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News from Suz: 2020 12 08

It’s finally here.

The final installment in my long-running Tall, Dark & Dangerous series about Navy SEAL Team Ten.

Thomas King and Tasha Francisco’s story.

King’s Ransom

The book that readers have been waiting for.

In Frisco’s Kid, Tasha Francisco was a strong-willed, independent child, thrown into the temporary care of her Navy SEAL uncle, Alan “Frisco” Francisco.

Years older, but still just a kid himself, Thomas King lived nearby. Tasha took one look and declared she’d marry him someday. Thomas wasn’t quite so sure about that.

Now Tasha’s a strong-willed, independent young woman, and Thomas is an officer and a hospital corpsman with SEAL Team Ten.

When Tasha’s Uncle Alan asks Thomas for a favor—to help keep his niece safe as she travels to a remote ski lodge with her wealthy boyfriend’s royal family—Thomas grimly accepts his role as Tasha’s bodyguard. But things go horribly, terribly wrong, and Thomas and Tasha find themselves alone together in the freezing wilderness, on the run from the dangerous men who want her dead.

Thomas knows only one thing for sure: He’ll sacrifice everything and anything to keep Tasha safe. 

The tall, dark and dangerous Navy SEALs of Team Ten are back–with Suzanne Brockmann’s signature blend of love, laughter, and a hint of danger in King’s Ransom.

New, never-before-published full-length novel
Release date: December 2020
King’s Ransom by Suzanne Brockmann

Tall, Dark & Dangerous/SEAL Team Ten #13
Hero: Navy SEAL LT (jg) Thomas King
Heroine: Tasha Francisco
Location: San Diego, California and northwestern Maine
Tropes: Childhood friends to lovers
Snowbound/trapped in close quarters
92K words or 300 pages

Available in ebook and paperback, and in audio (coming soon!) from Blackstone Audio.

Note from Suz: Audiobook fans, I’ll keep you apprised as to King’s Ransom’s audio release date via this newsletter.

Find King’s Ransom in ebook and print at your favorite on-line bookseller! 

More info: https://suzannebrockmann.com/books/tall-dark-dangerous/kings-ransom/ 

Read on for a short excerpt from King’s Ransom

Tasha’s eyes widened when she turned and saw him come out of the gate and onto the airfield. Instead of a more conventional greeting like Hey or ’Sup, she went with, “No.” She shook her head, too, adding, “Nope. Nope. No.”

Thomas smiled. He couldn’t help himself and of course she bristled, thinking he was laughing at her, rather than commiserating with her.

Her blue eyes turned decidedly chilly, staring at him, unamused, from the stony face of this weird stranger she’d become over the past five years. She was strikingly beautiful, true, but the weirdness here was off-the-charts.

Gone was the messy little girl who’d been a rough-and-tumble tomboy even as she’d insisted on wearing Disney-princess pink.

Gone was the reckless teen who’d driven her aunt and uncle crazy with worry.

She’d transformed into this carefully put-together, heavily made-up, fashionably dressed young woman, with every hair in place.

Nah, that’s where shades of her former messiness still poked through. Her hair was still untamable, and as she shook her head at him, it flashed in the airfield’s high powered lights.

Thomas shook his head back at her—coupla idiots just standing there on the airstrip next to a very slick-looking private jet, No-ing each other emphatically, in total agreement.

That didn’t change the situation, not one iota.

“Yeah, no, sorry,” he voiced his nope in the form of an apology. “Mike and Dave are going wheels up, and Rio has… Something. With his family. So, yeah. It’s me. Sorry. Really.”

She was nodding now, her movements jerky as she shifted her carry-on-sized suitcase closer to her and adjusted the big, zippered bag she wore on one shoulder.

“Well, this day just keeps getting better,” she said. “Ted needed to leave early, to make a stop in Toronto for his mother for some obviously manipulative reason, and Jeff and Kayla went with him, so this flight is just me. And now… you.”

Oh, good.

Alone on a private jet with Tasha Francisco. For six hours.

Not that he’d been looking forward to sitting in the back of the plane while she spent the flight sipping champagne and laughing with her royal boyfriend’s royal arm around her soon-to-be-royal shoulders.
But now…? It would be just the two of them.

From King’s Ransom
Tall, Dark & Dangerous Navy SEAL Team Ten # 13
© 2020 Suzanne Brockmann

Okay! That’s it! That’s the email!

Oh, except…

Happy Holidays! May 2021 be a better year for all of us!


Readers in Georgia! I’ve been texting every Tuesday evening for the WFP in support of Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, so if you get a text from “Suzanne, volunteering with the WFP,” make sure you text back, “Suz, is that you?!” 🙂 (And then, you know, #VoteBlue!!)

Thank you for your time and attention!

Please feel free to email, blog, post, tweet, and/or share any or all of my news with your social circle! I appreciate it when you do!

Love and hugs and don’t stop fighting for equality, equity, peace, hope, and love,


By |2020-12-08T21:58:08+00:00December 8th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on News from Suz: 2020 12 08

News from Suz: 2018 07 13

News from Suz: July 13 2017

Dropping another book out of the blue…

It might be Friday the 13th… but my latest full-length romance novel, Out of Body, is now available in e-book from Suzanne Brockmann Books!


More Information:


(Also…? Blurb below…)

Again, I hear your strangled and/or excited shouts of WTF (particularly those laced with panic from you, print-book lovers!) so let’s get you some info, ASAP:

Q: Will there be a print edition of Out of Body?

A: Yes! Out of Body will be available in a trade-size paperback via print-on-demand from CreateSpace, as well as a hardcover from Nook Press. Gimme another few weeks to get those print editions up and running. (Yes, I will email you again when they’re ready! And yes, one way or another, there’ll be an audio edition coming at ya soon, too!)

Q: Is this some ancient reissue or a short story or…?

A: Nope!This is a new, category-romance-length rom-com! It’s the novelization of the screenplay that we’re filming in September out in California. (And yeah, those are our two leading men, Jason and Kevin, on the cover of the book!) So this was actually a script first but not really, because when I wrote the screenplay, I was really writing the movie version of the romance novel that I saw in my head!! (We took that photo at a shoot out in LA just last Friday, on one of the hottest days on record!!)

Q: Wait, you just took that cover photo a week ago…?!

A: Yup. And I completed the book’s final revisions about 72 hours ago. That’s the magic of being an indie author who publishes her own work. As soon as the book’s edited and revised, I’m happy to drop it out there–boom!–so you can get it and read it ASAP. “Our” entire marketing strategy here at “Suzanne Brockmann Books” is based on the concept that readers will eventually stumble across a new book. Also…? Just as I make sure that my SBB-reissued older books are clearly marked with their original publication date, I’ll include “First published July 2018” in the book’s description, wherever Out of Body is sold. So if you miss a newsletter or two, and you stumble across a book you don’t recognize, you’ll know at a glance if it’s brand spanking new! (As this one is!)

Q: Are you really making a movie of Out of Body?

A: Yes, and thank you for asking! We’re filming in September, with hopes of having the movie edited and ready to watch in early 2019. Just as we did with Analysis Paralysis, our latest rom-com feature, we’ll be Kickstarting Out of Body this August. So if you want to help crowd-fund LGBTQ movies and get super-cool unique “rewards” for being a “backer,” (and make this particular story come to life on the screen!), make sure you follow me on Kickstarter or open the email newsletters (like this one) coming at you in the next few weeks! I always offer a very popular “be a beta-reader” reward via Kickstarter, where you can back our movie and get a chance to read an early draft of my next book–in this case it’s gonna be TDD #13, Thomas and Tasha’s book! (I did the photo shoot for that book’s cover while I was in LA, too…)

Here’s the blurb of Out of Body that I promised you above:

New, never before published novel

First published July 2018

Friends to lovers, with a supernatural twist…

Henry’s been in love with his best friend Malcolm since college, but after he kisses Mal on Halloween night, things go desperately wrong. Awkward turns to just plain weird when Mal mysteriously vanishes.

And weird gets freaky when Henry starts to wonder if he’s being haunted by Mal’s ghost.

Henry’s other friends think he’s losing it—that Mal’s just run from conflict. But freaky turns to full-on crazy when, with the help of a “spirit guide,” Henry casts a spell that allows him—and only him—to see and hear Malcolm, who’s been right there, in his house, the entire time.

If Mal really is a “lingering spirit,” he won’t “move on” until he completes some undetermined “unfinished business.” And Mal—who’s been in love with Henry since forever, too—assumes his task is to help his best friend woo and fall in love with another man.

But sometimes things aren’t what they seem, being invisible doesn’t always mean you’re dead, and love really can conquer all…

Suzanne Brockmann is back with a stand-alone romantic comedy that’s soon to be a feature film starring Jason T. Gaffney and Kevin Held. (50,000 words or 190 pages)

P.S. Yeah, there are “supernatural” elements to this story, but it’s mostly light-hearted and humorous–kind of Buffy-esque in its irreverence and silliness! I hope you’ll give it a try, because I really, really, REALLY loved writing Henry and Mal’s story!

Ooh, ooh!

One last thing!I’m going to Denver for the Romance Writers of America national conference, so I’ll be signing books at the RWA Big-Ass Literacy Signing(along with hundreds of other authors!! And no, it’s not officially called that, but wait’ll you see how many authors are in one room! Your head will explode with joy!!) on Saturday, July 21st from 3 – 5 p.m. at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel, in the Plaza Ballroom (Plaza building, Concourse level)  If you’re in the area, put this event on your calendar and be sure to drop by to say hello!

Here’s a link to the RWA page about the event: https://www.rwa.org/p/cm/ld/fid=564

Note: this is a signing where ALL proceeds fund literacy programs, so there are rules about not bringing in books from home. (Check that link above.) I’ll be sitting at my own special “Just won RWA’s Lifetime Achievement Award” table (yay!), and I’ll have copies of SOME KIND OF HERO and DO OR DIE (generously donated by Penguin Random House!!) to sign, plus lotsa postcards for Analysis Paralysis, PLUS Jason’s gonna be there, too! (Meet one of my favorite movie stars!!)

Okay, that’s all the news for now!

As always, thank you so much for your time and attention!

Please feel free to email, blog, post, tweet, and/or share any or all of my news with your social circle! I appreciate it greatly when you do!

Thank you so much for your ongoing support!

Hang in there, double-check your voter registration, and happy summer!


By |2018-07-14T16:53:19+00:00July 14th, 2018|blog, news from Suz|Comments Off on News from Suz: 2018 07 13

News from Suz: 2017 09 12

News from Suzanne Brockmann

Happy Mid-September! I’ve got a bunch ‘o cool news to share this month…

1) Check out our new Kickstarter Campaign to help fund Jason’s latest indie movie, an hysterically funny m/m rom-com called Analysis Paralysis! (Fun backer rewards include “Be a beta-reader for my next SEAL book!” Which, incidentally, is a TDD book featuring SEAL Team Ten… More below…)

2) New England premiere of Russian Doll (my production company’s latest LGBTQ thriller movie!): Sunday, Sept. 17, at 5:45 at the Hanover Theater in Worcester, MA. Join writer/director Ed Gaffney, lots of local cast and crew, and me for a screening and a Q&A discussion after!

3) I’m leading a Reading Without Walls Book Club at the Bacon Free Library in South Natick, MA, and our next meeting is Weds., Sept. 27th at 7:00 p.m. We’re discussing Louise Gornall’s wildly entertaining YA romance Under Rose-Tainted Skies. Come and chat!

4) On e-sale for $2.99: Body Language—one of my early rom-coms, originally published in 1998! (Star Trek Alert: The heroine of this book is named Cassandra Kirk, and she owns a business called Video Enterprises. Romance Trope Alert: Friends-to-lovers and Pygmalian/make-over!!)

And… here are the details:

1) Analysis Paralysis: We’re making another LGBTQ movie. The incredibly funny script is by the comedy writing duo of Jason T. Gaffney and Ed Gaffney (aka my son and his dad).

Find out more about the film on our Kickstarter page:

Why Kickstarter? Well, movies are mondo expensive to make. Crowd-funding sites like Kickstarter allow low-budget filmmakers to reach out and connect with our audience before filming starts, and establish a foundation of viewers who are willing to chip in—just a little—to make sure the film gets made.

People who contribute to the Kickstarter aren’t investors; they’re backers. And we don’t “sell” copies of the movie or other enticing items, we give those backers “rewards” for their financial support.

And we’ve got some fun rewards for Analysis Paralysis. The obvious one is a DVD of the finished film. (It’ll arrive in your mailbox anywhere from one to two years from now—that’s how long it can take to make a movie. Waving and saying another TY to the people who backed Russian Doll, who just recently received their DVD of the finally finished film…)

But one of the rewards we think will resonate with you, dear long-time-readers-of-my-romance-novels, is the chance to be a beta-reader for my next book. It doesn’t yet have a title, but as of right now, the book I’m writing is the next installment in my long-on-hold Tall, Dark & Dangerous series about Navy SEAL Team 10. (Remember them? Joe Cat? Lucky O’Donlon? Thomas King…)

This next book isn’t Tasha and Thomas King’s—but I am working toward telling their story in the very near future, I promise!

This next (as of right now 2/5th finished) book should be in a send-to-beta-readers state some time at the end of the year. Backers who choose that “be a beta-reader” reward via the Analysis Paralysis Kickstarter will get an email from me, and then a PDF of the book well before it goes through its final revision and is then released to the general reading public. (Heads up: there are two versions of the “be a beta-reader” reward. One is just “be a beta-reader,” the other is “be a beta-reader and get a DVD of the finished film.” Both are limited as to the number of backers, so act fast. (Here’s that link again to our Kickstarter Campaign…)

In fact, the entire Kickstarter ends on 10/4/17, which is coming at us, fast!

I hope you’ll check out the Kickstarter for Analysis Paralysis and find out a little bit about the movie, too. It’s a truly funny script and a great m/m romcom! Jason and his steadfast crew are filming in ten very busy days at the end of October. And I’m talking about the October that’s coming in just a few weeks, so yeah, it’s happening fast and soon.

And I know that most of you are readers and love books more than movies. But even if you don’t back the film, you can still help by spreading the word about our Kickstarter campaign via social media! (Thank you so very, very much!)

2) Sunday, September 17, at 5:45 pm, my production company’s latest LGBTQ movie, a thriller called Russian Doll will be shown at the Hanover Theater in Worcester, MA, as part of qFLIX, the Worcerter/New England LGBTQ film festival. For more information about the festival, the festival’s website is qFLIXWorcester.com

Note: there will be a Q&A with writer/director Ed Gaffney, local cast and crew, and me (executive producer Suz Brockmann) immediately after the screening!

List of Movies: http://www.qflixworcester.com/2017-program/

For tickets to the movie (general admission = $10) go to https://tickets.thehanovertheatre.org/Online/article/qFlix

You can also contact the Hanover Theater 877-571-7469

Here’s how qFLIX Worcester described the film:

Sunday, September 17 @ 5:45 pm


Directed by Ed Gaffney, USA, 2017, 83 mins, Drama

East Coast Premiere

How about a female-driven, sexy, lesbian, edgy crime thriller—about, what else, but revenge? In a world where everyone has at least one secret, the heroine, an attractive, sexy blonde, still grief-stricken over the loss of her deceased partner, meets, during a crime investigation, an objection of her affection. The idea of having an attraction to another woman throws the smart cop into a feeling of unresolved guilt. While a young woman goes missing, their investigation leads them to the cast and crew of “The Russian Doll,” a production by a local play group. Little do the cops know that there’s a killer in their midst ready to avenge a 30-year-old crime. It’s a revenge drama. It’s a girl power movie. It’s a gal cop caper. There’s captives, blood, guts, romance, and crime gone crazy. What else do you need?

Director Ed Gaffney and Executive Producer Suzanne Brockmann will be in attendance with cast and crew: Peter Adams, Vanessa Dunleavy, Cheryl McMahon, Bill Kuhlman, Annie Kerins, Alicia Zipp, Randy Diviniski, Kathy Lague, Mike Lague, Colby Thompson, Andrea Rees, Maya Landi, Linda Goetz, and Erik Johnsen.

3) 9/27/17: Reading Without Walls Book Club in S. Natick, Massachusetts:

Bacon Free Library says: “Join us for our second Reading Without Walls* Book Club meeting! Led by award winning author and well known diversity advocate (and BFL supporter!), Suzanne Brockmann, we’ll be discussing books written by authors of diverse backgrounds, on a wide range of topics (including LGBTQ literature, global issues and historical perspectives of current events) and of multicultural interest.

We invite civil and honest discussion on these topics and look forward to hearing a multitude of perspectives.”

Wednesday, Sept. 27th

7 – 8:30 pm

Bacon Free Library

58 Eliot Street

Natick, MA 01760

Phone: 508-653-6730

More info: http://baconfreelibrary.org/event/reading-without-walls-book-club-2/

Note: there are copies of Under Rose-Tainted Skies by Louise Gornall available at the library!

This month, we’re reading and discussing Under Rose-Tainted Skies by Louise Gornall

(Note from Suz: This is a fast-paced and wildly entertaining YA romance! Even if you can’t attend, it’s a really fun read, and the Kindle edition is really priced right!)

Link to $4.49 Amazon Kindle edition: http://amzn.to/2jinhQD

Nook book $9.99 edition: http://bit.ly/2xgpPE6

Kobo $9.99 edition: http://bit.ly/2xgdZKb

iBooks $9.99 edition: http://apple.co/2y0yqsu

Summary of Under Rose-Tainted Skies:

Norah has agoraphobia and OCD. When groceries are left on the porch, she can’t step out to get them. Struggling to snag the bags with a stick, she meets Luke. He’s sweet and funny, and he just caught her fishing for groceries. Because of course he did. Norah can’t leave the house, but can she let someone in? As their friendship grows deeper, Norah realizes Luke deserves a normal girl. One who can lie on the front lawn and look up at the stars. One who isn’t so screwed up. Readers themselves will fall in love with Norah in this poignant, humorous, and deeply engaging portrait of a teen struggling to find the strength to face her demons.

*Based on the Reading Without Walls Reading Challenge by Gene Luen Yang

P.S. If you’re okay with spoilers, you don’t have to read the book before the discussion! Come and hang out at one of the coolest little libraries in Massachusetts and maybe you’ll be inspired to read this really fun story!

4) My latest reissue, Body Language, is on e-sale for $2.99

Body Language is a fun, short rom-com, originally published and set in 1998. The storyline is a combination of the friends-to-lovers as well as the Cinderella/Pygmalion make-over tropes. With the fairy godmother/Henry Higgins character as a long-haired, leather-pants wearing, motorcycle riding cameraman from New Jersey named Clint McCade…

Read the book’s blurb on my website: https://suzannebrockmann.com/books/body-language/

Body Language:

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2xrB3GT

Nook: http://bit.ly/2eQQUnh

Kobo: http://bit.ly/2wSxngy

iBooks: http://apple.co/2y0I2nt

GooglePlay: http://bit.ly/2vuuwd3

And of course this book is also available in a (pricier!) paperback print-on-demand edition:

Amazon print: http://amzn.to/2gXPfN7

BN print: http://bit.ly/2eQQUnh

CreateSpace: http://bit.ly/2w1p4j9

Next up to be reissued in October: Future Perfect, my very first romance novel, originally published in 1993! This reissue is gonna be an annotated edition! And, trust me, I’ve got a thing or two to comment on in those annotations!

Last but waaaay not least: My latest Troubleshooters novel, Some Kind of Hero, has a 4.6 out of a 5-star rating at Amazon! Yay! Thank you to all who have read and posted a review for this book!

Some Kind of Hero Digital:

Kindle: http://amzn.to/2seuGn4

Nook: http://bit.ly/2rmIWG9

Kobo: http://bit.ly/2tclahl

iBook: http://apple.co/2e87stD

GooglePlay: http://bit.ly/2d2s9Dx

Some Kind of Hero Print:

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2r2w5g0

Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/2qBpIkb

Indiebound: http://bit.ly/2rCv8wj

Books-A-Million: http://bit.ly/2sBjbWK

Powell’s: http://bit.ly/2rHtvZr

Target: http://bit.ly/2sKaBWg

Random House: http://bit.ly/2tzrVdg

Some Kind of Hero Audio:

Audible: http://amzn.to/2qb1Cfb

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2qbNwtl

iTunes:  http://apple.co/2sPNFBX

Downpour: http://bit.ly/2sPX3oP


As always, thank you so much for your time and attention!

Please feel free to email, blog, post, tweet, and/or share any or all of my news with your social circle! In fact, I appreciate it greatly when you do!

Thank you so much for your ongoing support!



By |2017-09-12T19:12:18+00:00September 12th, 2017|blog, news from Suz|Comments Off on News from Suz: 2017 09 12

News from Suz: SOME KIND OF HERO is here — 11 July 2017

“With brilliant sexual chemistry, laugh-out-loud humor, riveting action, and flawlessly rendered characters, Brockmann’s latest quickly draws readers back into her high-stakes Troubleshooters world…Beautifully written and as heart-gripping as it is satisfying.”
Library Journal *Starred Review*

Some Kind of Hero
A Troubleshooters Novel
By Suzanne Brockmann
On Sale July 11, 2017 (TODAY!)
ISBN 978-0-345-54382-0
eISBN 978-0-345-54383-7

“Well worth the wait. Jam-packed with adrenaline-fueled action and sizzling sexual tension, this is grade-A romantic suspense that will delight RITA award-winning Brockmann’s dedicated core of fans as well, and lure new readers.”
Booklist *Starred Review*

“Brockmann brings her typical storytelling virtuosity to this new setting and also delves into the dark history of the Japanese internment during World War II and subtly comments on domestic abuse as well as society’s continuing racial prejudices through the characters’ experiences.
A thought-provoking, deeply satisfying romance from a master of the genre.”
Kirkus *Starred Review*

“Brockmann’s reliably sexy Troubleshooters contemporary romantic thriller series continues
with this fun, vivid 17th installment… As always, Brockmann excels
at depicting both lusty lovemaking and the genuine camaraderie of friendship.”
Publisher’s Weekly

“Fast-paced suspense and a to-die-for hero!
This book will be a new favorite for Brockmann fans.”
New York Times bestselling author Elle Kennedy

“Nobody mixes suspenseful adventure and heart-melting romance like Suzanne Brockmann.”
USA Today bestselling author Sarina Bowen

“Nobody does it better! Some Kind of Hero is Suzanne Brockmann at the top of her game, full of heart-stopping action and genuine, funny, heartfelt emotion.”
New York Times bestselling author Virginia Kantra

“In classic Brockmann style,
Some Kind of Hero does not shy away from the controversies of our times.
Instead, it faces them head on, delivering a thought-provoking,
high-octane love story with a hero and heroine one can’t help but root for.
Prepare to be blown away.”
USA Today bestselling author Farrah Rochon

“Delicious sexual tension and fast-paced plot made me want
Some Kind of Hero to last way past the final page.”
USA Today bestselling author Megan Erickson

“Brockmann is a master at romantic suspense. Sexy, smart, and completely original,
Some Kind of Hero is not to be missed.”
HelenKay Dimon, award winning author of the Tough Love series

“The writer in me can’t believe that Brockmann keeps getting better with every book.
The reader in me loves it!”
M. L. Buchman, author of the Night Stalkers and Delta Force series

 “If you’re new to the Troubleshooters, it’s a good starting place. If you’re a regular, all the steamy romance, rich characters, and complicated story that you’re used to are here.”
Bea’s Book Nook 

“Brockmann and her SEALs still stand out…. a fresh story with witty characters…
a great summer read.
5 (out of 5) stars.”
Jean Marie Brown, Dallas Fort Worth Star-Telegram 


Kindle:  http://amzn.to/2cLcXhQ

BN/Nook:  http://bit.ly/2g2gA1z

Kobo:  http://bit.ly/2dhOMTW

iBooks: http://apple.co/2e87stD

GooglePlay: http://bit.ly/2d2s9Dx


Amazon: http://amzn.to/2r2w5g0

Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/2qBpIkb

Indiebound: http://bit.ly/2rCv8wj

Books-A-Million: http://bit.ly/2sBjbWK

Powell’s: http://bit.ly/2rHtvZr

Target: http://bit.ly/2sKaBWg

Random House: http://bit.ly/2tzrVdg


Audible: http://amzn.to/2qb1Cfb

Amazon: http://amzn.to/2qbNwtl

iTunes:  https://itunes.apple.com/us/author/suzanne-brockmann/id187149564?mt=11

Downpour: https://www.downpour.com/some-kind-of-hero?sp=25827

By |2017-07-11T12:32:28+00:00July 11th, 2017|blog, news from Suz|Comments Off on News from Suz: SOME KIND OF HERO is here — 11 July 2017

News from Suz: 19 June 2017

News from Suz Brockmann: June 19, 2017



1) Fixing Frank, the latest book in my Suzanne Brockmann Presents line of m/m category romances is on sale today!

2) Even though I’m just the editor, I’ll be accompanying my authors, Jason and Ed, on their Fixing Frank blog tour. We’ll be giving away at least two signed ARCs of my own next book, Some Kind of Hero (7/11/17). Check out the blog tour schedule, below, and drop by for a chance to win these and other books!

3) To kick off the Frank Blog Tour, Jason, Ed, and I did a Skype interview with Jeff and Will of the Big Gay Fiction Podcast! Watch/listen now!

4) Some Kind of Hero, (the next book in my Troubleshooters series, with a Navy SEAL hero and a romance author heroine!) comes out July 11th, in e-book & hardcover from Ballantine Books, and in audio from Blackstone Audio.

5) Gone Too Far (Sam & Alyssa’s book) is on e-sale for $1.99 for the next few days, hurry, grab it now!

6) Ready to Roll (my latest TS novella) is on e-sale for $2.99 for the next few days, hurry, grab it now!

7) Russian Doll, the latest LGBTQ indie movie I’ve co-produced, will be screened at the 22nd Annual North Carolina Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, in Durham, North Carolina, from Aug 10-13.

1) FIXING FRANK is out today!
I’m pretty sure that you already know that I’ve long been an ally and advocate for LGBTQ inclusion in the romance genre.

Long before Jules Cassidy walked into Alyssa Locke’s FBI office, waaaaay back in 1992, as I wrote my first book, a little category romance that I called Bed and Breakfast but the publisher renamed Future Perfect, I created a character—a friend of the heroine who was also the small town’s sheriff—who just happened to be gay. And out, of course, even though it was only the mid-1990s.

This was the first romance that I sold, and my editor at the time informed me that I’d have to revise him. He couldn’t be gay, she said. Readers weren’t ready for that, she said.

I knew she was wrong, but I also knew that I had zero power—power I’d hopefully gain after getting published a few (dozen) times. So after silently apologizing to the gay man in my life—my own then-seven-year-old son—I made perfunctory revisions and substituted the word “wife” for “partner.” (In my original draft of the book, this character’s partner was traveling for work, so that was an easy “fix.”) I didn’t really change him—if you read those early editions of the book, he’s clearly “the gay best friend.” I merely jammed him into a deep, dark closet and in doing so I screwed royally with both his and his wife’s lives.

Thank god they were only fictional characters.

But that’s really what a lot of gay people did back in the day, right? Living their truth was too hard for “readers,” i.e., the people who make up our society, so instead they desperately embraced a terrible, destructive lie.

From that very first book on, I included gay characters in my romances as often as I could. Veronica’s brother is gay in Prince Joe. In fact, he’s named Jules! (Confession: I love that name, and first heard it thanks to the musician Jules Shear.) I just reread Heart Throb—I’m prepping a slightly revised self-pubbed e-book edition, available soon!—and the hero, Jed, had a brother who was gay.

Go back into my extensive earlier backlist, published in the mid-to-late 1990s, and you’ll see me gently pushing the edge of the inclusion envelope—to the point where I could finally unleash Jules Cassidy and let him kick in the door.

Because, damnit, readers were ready. You-who-read were nearly always ready, and you proved me right.

You-who-were-ready embraced both Jules and me, and made it possible for me to write Jules and Robin’s story—and in the process we reached into the hearts of those who were, perhaps, slightly less ready.

But those slightly-less-ready recognized love when they saw it. And the messages that love is love is love and love is a beautiful gift resonated, and hearts opened and change bloomed.

(Oh, I’m well aware that the profoundly unready are still out there, long unsubscribed from this email list, embracing their willful ignorance. Just go over to your favorite online bookseller—you’ll still find them posting reviews and telling me “enough with the gay thing,” like there’s something wrong with books set in MY world, where diversity is rightly celebrated. In fact, do me a favor, will you, while you’re over there? If you have a favorite TS book, post a reader review. It used to not matter, but it does now, particularly in these dark days, when those who hate have been emboldened. Thank you.)

But we’re talking about Jules finding Robin, and Robin finding both his heart and his very self and…

Raise your hand if Jules’s love story with Robin was your gateway drug to m/m romance.

My hand is up, too.

There’s so many truly great authors out there writing m/m, and many of my favorites are #OwnVoices—gay men writing romance. Alexis Hall, Santino Hassell, Damon Suede, and now my own shining sun of a son, Jason T. Gaffney.

My former seven-year-old recently turned thirty. He recently married the man of his dreams, and they’re living and working and thriving in the safety of California, outside of LA.

A few years ago, Jason, and my husband Ed (AKA Jace’s dad!), and I wrote and produced an award-winning m/m rom-com indie movie called The Perfect Wedding. (It streamed on NetFlix for years, and it’s still available via Amazon, Wolfe-on-Demand, and iTunes, in case you haven’t yet seen it!)

The story idea and concept was Jason’s. As a young man who’d grown up in a welcoming world filled with LGBTQ heroes, mentors, and role models, as a young person who’d never, ever questioned his value to society as an out, proud gay man, Jason longed to see his specific reflection in the movies he watched and the books that he read.

Jason wanted “boy meets boy, boy loses boy, boy wins boy” stories with absolutely no conflict created by sexual orientation, and a heavy delivery of the funny on the way to the HEA. He also wanted to see familiar romance tropes in stories that had a hero and a hero.

So that’s what he writes, be it screenplay or romance novel!

See, making even an ultra-low-budget indie feature takes lots of $$$ and time (time most spent during the significantly less fun pre- and post-production periods), so between their movie making projects, Jason and Ed have started writing an m/m rom-com series of novellas called California Comedies. (A story idea that would fit into a 90-minute rom-com screenplay translates very nicely into a 30-35K word novella!)

My main role in this project is editor. I may not have written these books, but Jason has spent nearly twenty-five years of his life in what you might describe as a 24/7 Brockmann romance writing workshop! So if you enjoy reading my books, you’ll probably like these!

I’m also the publisher, releasing Jason and Ed’s California Comedy series as part of a new line of short, spicy, m/m category romances called Suzanne Brockmann Presents. Currently my author list is short—Jace and Ed have been my very patient guinea pigs as I’ve learned the self-publishing ropes. (So far, so good, but GooglePlay continues to mystify me…)

This novella project also has the intriguing twist of an m/m romance writing team consisting of a gay man and his father (edited by his mother)!!

We don’t stop there. Grandma Brockmann is one of our best proofreaders—several decades ago, she used to freelance proof for Playbill. M/M romances are “much more interesting!” We bring in outside-of-the-family eyes with our brilliant copy editor, Patricia MacMahon.

Which brings me back to the headline: Fixing Frank, the latest book in Jason and Ed’s California Comedy series is out, today. 

(Oops, as of 8 a.m., we’ve had a glitch at Amazon, where apparently I wasn’t able to change the preorder release date from 6/20 to today after all, so… Fixing Frank is available in ALMOST all e-formats today, as well as in print-on-demand, and it will drop into your Kindle tomorrow, hopefully looking slightly chagrined. Or maybe that’s me looking slightly chagrined… Thank you for your patience!)

Although it’s part of what is now a three-book series, Frank stands alone. You don’t have to read the series in order. The connection is that they’re all set in California, and they’re all rom-coms.

Fixing Frank is a laugh-out-loud funny “boy (re)meets boy” story that plays with the classic category romance “marriage of convenience” trope.

Here’s the blurb for the book:

First grade teacher Terry O’Dell is thrilled when he’s chosen as a contestant on Fixing Our Future, a popular reality web series where the winner raises money for charity. A few weeks of light-hearted challenges and fun competition is exactly the kind of distraction he needs to get over his breakup with his fiancé. But when Terry learns that handsome landscaper Frank Vacca is another contestant on the show, his excitement turns to dread. Because Terry’s ex ran off with Frank’s ex. It’s only a matter of time before their embarrassing personal history is exploited by the show’s producers, in hopes of going viral with on-camera tears and maybe a table flip or two.

But Frank is not the kind of guy who waits for life to happen to him, and he decides to fight fire with fire. When their secret is exposed, he impulsively declares that he and Terry are better than ever, because they, too, have hooked up—in fact, they’re engaged. Already popular, the pair instantly becomes internet royalty. Of course it’s all a sham, and only a matter of time before the truth comes crashing down. But then, Frank and Terry—long at odds and constantly arguing—actually begin to fall for each other. And that’s when things really start to go wrong…

Fixing Frank is available in all e-formats (specially priced at $3.99, so grab it fast!), and in print-on-demand in both paperback and hardcover.

Fixing Frank e-Book:
Kindle: http://amzn.to/2rhSkzv
Nook: http://bit.ly/2squDp4
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/fixing-frank
iBook: http://apple.co/2sjSHJt
GooglePlay:  Um…. coming soon…?

Fixing Frank Print:
Amazon paperback: http://amzn.to/2smoxFu
B&N hardcover & paperback: http://bit.ly/2squDp4
CreateSpace pb: https://www.createspace.com/7102094

More about Fixing Frank: https://suzannebrockmann.com/books/suzanne-brockmann-presents/

A bit more about the son/father writing team: 
In addition to his novel writing, Jason is an award-winning producer, actor, and screenwriter. His credits include the web series The Comedy Minute with Jason T. Gaffney, and Fame Dogs, which just won the Indie Series Awards for Best Comedy and Best Ensemble, Comedy. Ed’s other projects include an Edgar nomination for his legal thriller, Enemy Combatant (Dell, 2008). He’s also the writer/director of the indie film Russian Doll, a f/f thriller about to hit the LGBTQ film festival circuit. Ed and Jason are currently in pre-production for their next m/m rom-com movie, a micro-budget feature, working title Analysis Paralysis.

Websites and social media links:

2) Fixing Frank Blog Tour

Yeah, I’m just the editor, but I’ll be accompanying my authors, Jason and Ed, on their Fixing Frank blog tour. (So drop by and say hi!)

Note: We’ll be giving away ebooks of the first two California Comedy novellas, and at least two signed ARCs of my own next book, Some Kind of Hero (coming 7/11/17) somewhere on the tour!

It’s like a game of hide and seek! Visit each blog stop on its scheduled day and see if you can find the SKOH ARC! Pop over, say hi, and follow each blog’s rules for a chance to win!

We’ll be stopping in regularly throughout each day, too!

Monday, June 19th (TODAY!): Big Gay Fiction Podcast
Jason, Ed, and I did a Skype interview with Jeff and Will from the Big Gay Fiction Podcast, and it was so much fun! Listen or watch on YouTube (!!!!) as we talk books, movies, the importance of #OwnVoices in the romance genre, our life-long fight for LGBTQ equality and civil rights, and life in CreativeCrazyPantsLand!
Direct link to episode: http://www.jeffandwill.com/biggayfictionpodcast/2017/06/19/big-gay-fiction-podcast-episode-89-suzanne-brockmann-ed-gaffney-jason-t-gaffney-talk-california-comedy/ 
Main website: http://www.BigGayFictionPodcast.com 
Main YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/JeffWillsBigGayFictionPodcast 
Find on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/biggayfictionpodcast/ 
Follow on Twitter: @BigGayFiction
Tuesday, June 20th: Lorelei’s Lit Lair 
A fun Q&A with Jason & Ed
Main website: https://loreleislitlair.wordpress.com 
Find on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Loreleislitlair/ 
Follow on Twitter: @LoreleisLitLair 
Wednesday, June 21st: Joyfully Jay
In which I interview Jason & Ed about the power of comedy
Main website: http://joyfullyjay.com 
Find on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joyfully.jay 
Follow on Twitter: @jayhjay432 
Friday, June 23rd: Romance University 
A blog by Suz: Plan Read, in which we’ll discuss both the importance of self-care in these turbulent times, and the need for #OwnVoices authors as well as diversity in the romance genre
Main website: http://romanceuniversity.org 
Find on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RomanceUniversity 
Follow on Twitter: @RomanceUniv 
Saturday, June 24th: Limecello’s A Little Bit Tart, A Little Bit Sweet
We discuss Classic Category Romance Tropes in m/m romance
Main website: www.tartsweet.com 
Monday, June 26th: Big Gay Fiction Podcast part II 
More from our incredibly fun Skype interview with Jeff and Will!
Direct link to episode (Note won’t be live until 6/26):
Main website: http://www.BigGayFictionPodcast.com 
Main YouTube:
Find on Facebook:
Follow on Twitter: @BigGayFiction
Tuesday. June 27th: mm Good Books review 
In which we discuss world building in contemporary m/m romance:
Writing books set in a better, more welcoming world—because life will imitate art!
Main website: https://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com


3) To kick off the Frank Blog Tour, check out our interview on the Big Gay Fiction Podcast! Watch/listen now (and maybe win an ARC of Some Kind of Hero! Hint hint!)

Direct Link: (Note this won’t be active until 6 a.m. PT!): http://www.jeffandwill.com/biggayfictionpodcast/2017/06/19/big-gay-fiction-podcast-episode-89-suzanne-brockmann-ed-gaffney-jason-t-gaffney-talk-california-comedy/

Main website: http://www.BigGayFictionPodcast.com 
Main YouTube:


4) Less than a month until Some Kind of Hero comes out! 

You’ve met the book’s SEAL hero, LT Peter “Grunge” Greene, in Ready to Roll. (And if you haven’t met him yet, scroll down a bit, because RtoR is on e-sale!)

The tough-as-nails BUD/S instructor is a pro at shaping young SEAL candidates into the best of the best, but he’s completely out of his league when his ex dies and Maddie, his long-estranged fifteen-year-old daughter, comes to live with him. Thing rapidly goes south, and she runs away. Enter Pete’s across-the-street neighbor, romance novelist and divorced mom of two teen boys, Shayla Whitman. Together they embark on an adventure to track down Maddie—who’s in way more danger than even she realizes.

You’ll see more of Ready to Roll’s Boat Squad John in this book. Navy SEAL Izzy Zanella is a friend of Pete’s and a point-of-view character—he’s always so much fun to write!

Advance praise for this book has been lovely (thank you so much!), with people saying extremely nice things like:

Some Kind of Hero is Suzanne Brockmann at the top of her game, with a story full of heart-stopping action and genuine, funny, heartfelt emotion.”New York Times bestselling author Virginia Kantra

“In classic Brockmann style, Some Kind of Hero does not shy away from the controversies of our times. Instead, it faces them head on, delivering a thought-provoking, high-octane love story with a hero and heroine one can’t help but root for. Prepare to be blown away.”USA Today bestselling author Farrah Rochon

“A thought-provoking, deeply satisfying romance from a master of the genre.”Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

“Jam-packed with adrenaline-fueled action and sizzling sexual tension, this is grade-A romantic suspense that will delight RITA award–winning Brockmann’s dedicated core of fans as well, and lure new readers.”—Booklist (starred review)

And because apparently, in 2017, blurbing one’s own book is a Thing, I’ll add one more:

“I’m back!”—Suzanne Brockmann


Some Kind of Hero drops on 7/11/17. It’s currently available for pre-order in hardcover and ebook from Ballantine Books, and in audio, read by Patrick Lawlor and Bahni Turpin, from Blackstone Audio.

Some Kind of Hero Preorder ebooks:
Kindle: http://amzn.to/2seuGn4
Nook: http://bit.ly/2rmIWG9
Kobo: http://bit.ly/2tclahl
iBook: http://apple.co/2e87stD
GooglePlay: http://bit.ly/2d2s9Dx

Some Kind of Hero Preorder Print:
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2r2w5g0
Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/2qBpIkb
Indiebound: http://bit.ly/2rCv8wj
Books-A-Million: http://bit.ly/2sBjbWK
Powell’s: http://bit.ly/2rHtvZr
Target: http://bit.ly/2sKaBWg
Random House: http://bit.ly/2tzrVdg

Ooh, just occurred to me: FAQ: Will I be having a virtual signing for SKOH? No, sorry, I won’t! I will be signing books at the RWA Literacy Signing in Orlando in July (oh I knew I left something out, but dang this e-newsletter is already massively long).

I’ll be sending another e-newsletter in a few weeks, watch for it for info about RWA (signings! workshops!), as well as news about how to get a cool, special copy of the hardcover of Some Kind of Hero…


5) Gone Too Far (Troubleshooters # 6, Sam & Alyssa’s book) is on e-sale for $1.99 for the next few days!
Hot e-sale! If you e-need a little Sam Starrett and Alyssa Locke on your e-reader forever, now’s the e-time!

(Hurry, cuz it’s only gonna be available at this great price for a few more days!)

Gone Too FarGone Too Far ebooks:
Kindle: http://amzn.to/2sk9UTV
Nook: http://bit.ly/2rmGvDi
Kobo: http://bit.ly/2ri2eBr
iBook: http://apple.co/2seT9IE
GooglePlay: http://bit.ly/2sttRr0


6) Ready to Roll (my latest Troubleshooters novella, in which you meet both LT Peter “Grunge” Greene and the team of SEAL candidates known as Boat Squad John) is also on e-sale for $2.99 for the next few days!

Ready to RollReady to Roll ebooks:
Kindle: http://amzn.to/2stktUi
Nook: http://bit.ly/2riFpgP
Kobo: http://bit.ly/2s2e1B0
iBook: http://apple.co/2dspJiS
GooglePlay: http://bit.ly/2dxsRIK

P.S. I call RtoR a “novella,” but it’s 55K words—which is longer than the category romances like Kiss & Tell, or Time Enough for Love, that I used to write for Bantam Loveswept.

Find out more about Ready to Roll: https://suzannebrockmann.com/books/eshorts/ready-to-roll/


7) Russian Doll will be screened at the 22nd Annual North Carolina Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, in Durham, North Carolina, from Aug 10-13. 

Yay! If you’re in the Durham area, here’s your chance to see this LGBTQ thriller that I co-produced up on the big screen! (Jason plays the bad guy, and Melanie’s the police detective trying to find a missing woman!)

The schedule isn’t set yet.  But the film fest’s website is http://www.carolinatheatre.org/films/festivals/ncglff

I’ll keep you posted re: screening dates and times!


Okay, gang, that’s all the e-news for now. (Whew, when there’s news, there’s NEWS!)

If you like these long, long, LONG newsletters, that’s pretty perfect since writing long, long, LONG is what I do best, but…

If you’d prefer to get (or also get) brief, to-the-point notices of new releases or e-sales, then pop over to BookBub, register (it’s free!), and follow me there. They’ll send you a direct, just-the-facts email whenever there’s a new book out.

Here’s the BookBub link: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/suzanne-brockmann

Following me on Facebook is fine and well, but it’s so noisy and chaotic over there, you’ll probably miss any news about new books. Twitter’s the same, fun and/or rage-y, but blink and you’ll miss my tweets.

You can follow me at GoodReads, too, if GoodReads is your thing: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/32638.Suzanne_Brockmann

And you can follow me at Amazon, too, if Amazon is your… you got it: http://amzn.to/2rNuaJQ

As always, thank you so much for your time and attention!

Please feel free to email, blog, post, tweet, and/or share any or all of my news with your social circle! In fact, I appreciate it enormously when you do!

As always, thanks so much for your ongoing support!

Happy reading,

By |2017-06-19T12:52:58+00:00June 19th, 2017|blog, news from Suz|3 Comments

News from Suz: May 19, 2017

May 19, 2017

News from Suz Brockmann

Hello, readers!

My plan was to send you an e-newsletter in early May, but it’s suddenly May 19th, and it’s starting to be a stretch even to call it mid-May!  (And, also suddenly, it’s full summer in Framingham, Massachusetts!)

Do or Die is currently (and temporarily!) on sale for $1.99 in all e-formats!

I wanted to get this e-news out to you ASAP because we’re smack in the middle of a flash sale for the ebook of DO OR DIE.

If you haven’t yet picked up this book-with-a-former-SEAL-hero that NPR included in their list of best books of 2014, now’s the time!

(Grab it fast, it’s only on sale for a short time!)

In other news:

1) Follow me over at BookBub, and you’ll get news about future flash-sales (hint! hint!) delivered right into your email inbox. Here’s the URL: www.bookbub.com/authors/suzanne-brockmann

2) Some Kind of Hero, my next, new, full-length, full-power old-school Troubleshooters novel comes out on July 11th, in ebook and hardcover from Ballantine Books, and in audio from Blackstone Audio.

(And yes, Patrick Lawlor will be narrating the audiobook, along with the amazing Bahni Turpin!!)

Kirkus gave Some Kind of Hero a *starred* review, saying “A thought-provoking, deeply satisfying romance from a master of the genre.” (Thank you, Kirkus!!)

Here’s more (lovely!) advanced praise for the book:

“Nobody mixes suspenseful adventure and heart-melting romance like Suzanne Brockmann.”—USA Today bestselling author Sarina Bowen

“Nobody does it better! Some Kind of Hero is Suzanne Brockmann at the top of her game, with a story full of heartstopping action and genuine, funny, heartfelt emotion.”—New York Times bestselling author Virginia Kantra

“In classic Brockmann style, Some Kind of Hero does not shy away from the controversies of our times. Instead, it faces them head on, delivering a thought-provoking, high-octane love story with a hero and heroine one can’t help but root for. Prepare to be blown away.”—USA Today bestselling author Farrah Rochon

“Delicious sexual tension and a fast-paced plot made me want Some Kind of Hero to last way past the final page.”—USA Today bestselling author Megan Erickson

“Brockmann is a master at romantic suspense. Sexy, smart, and completely original, Some Kind of Hero is not to be missed.”—HelenKay Dimon, award-winning author of the Tough Love series

“The writer in me can’t believe that Brockmann keeps getting better with every book. The reader in me loves it!”—M. L. Buchman, author of The Night Stalkers series and Delta Force series

“Fast-paced suspense and a to-die-for hero! This book will be a new favorite for Brockmann fans.”—New York Times bestselling author Elle Kennedy

But I think my favorite piece of “advanced praise” came from Patrick Lawlor, my long-time audiobook narrator and voice of all-things-SEAL-Team-16, who finished his recording prep for the book and emailed me, channeling his inner Navy SEAL and saying “THIS BOOK IS F*CKING GLORIOUS!!!!!!!!” (Caps and many exclamation points are all his!) He also noted that his favorite scene was “the Shit Bucket of Doom.” You’re gonna have to wait and see (or listen!) to find out what thatmeans! 🙂

Here’s my website’s page for Some Kind of Hero, where you can read the cover blurb and access the pre-order links!

3) Free Fall and Home Fire Inferno (Burn, Baby, Burn!), the first two stories in my Troubleshooters/SEAL trilogy that concludes with the novella-sized Ready to Roll, is available in a special 2-in-1 edition, both in e-book and in print-on-demand.

I get a lot of mail and messages from readers who are print-only, wanting to get  Free Fall and HFI. But those stories are both short, and it would have been prohibitively expensive to create a print edition. But… a 2-in-1, a collection in which both stories appear under one cover…?  That I could do!

Here are the links for Print on Demand:CreateSpace paperback: https://www.createspace.com/7139534

Amazon paperback: http://amzn.to/2ptCvVK

NookPress paperback:  http://bit.ly/2poG9jE  (Toggle down for the paperback edition!)

NookPress hardcover: http://bit.ly/2poG9jE (Toggle down for the hc!)

And for the ebook edition:Kobo: http://bit.ly/2qwGDo8

Kindle: http://amzn.to/2q8TucM

Nook: http://bit.ly/2poG9jE

ibooks:   http://apple.co/2q5WNns

4) Fixing Frank, the next book in my “Suzanne Brockmann Presents” line of m/m category rom-com novellas, written by Jason T. Gaffney with Ed Gaffney (AKA my son and his dad!) will be out on June 20th! Pre-order buttons are up at Amazon and Kobo!Also, check out our updated cover art for the first two books in Jason & Ed’s California Comedy series, Creating Clark and A Match for Mike!

(Scroll down! New art below!)

5) Bunch o’ upcoming appearances, both in person and online:

Monday, June 19, 2017
Big Gay Fiction Podcast
Interview with Suz Brockmann and Fixing Frank authors Jason T. Gaffney & Ed Gaffney

Tuesday, June 20, 2017 — South Natick, Massachusetts

Reading without Walls Book Club: The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
Location: Bacon Free Library
58 Eliot Street
South Natick, MA 01760
Time: 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Open to the public
Program: Discussion of Angie Thomas’s brilliant YA novel, The Hate U Give, led by local author Suzanne Brockmann
More info: http://baconfreelibrary.org/event/reading-without-walls-book-club/
Note from Suz: OMG, this book was so good and important and so so so good. It’s a great book to read with your YA-aged kids, it’s a great book to read, period. After reading it, I sent a copy to my 85 year-old mother, and to my thirty-something daughter, too! New Englanders, spend an evening with me at my favorite little library, talking about an amazing book! (I’ll be downloading Angie’s list of book group questions from her website and bringing them with me, so in a sense, she’ll be guiding our discussion!)

Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Guest Blog at Joyfully Jay: Suz Brockmann with Fixing Frank authors Jason T. Gaffney & Ed Gaffney

Friday, June 23, 2017 — Orlando, Florida
Guest Blog at Romance University: the importance of amplifying #ownvoices authors while also including diverse characters in mainstream romance

Saturday, July 29, 2017
RWA National Conference Book Signing
“Readers for Life” Literacy Autographing (I will be one of many at a multi-author event!)
Location:  Walt Disney World® Dolphin Resort, Pacific Hall
Orlando, FL
Time: 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Note: Open to the public! Come say hi! This event will raise funds for literacy programs, so there’s a limit to the number of books you can bring with you! For more information: https://www.rwa.org/p/cm/ld/fid=564

Okay, readers and friends, that’s all for now!

Stay cool, stay safe, stay sane!

Please feel free to email, blog, post, tweet, and/or share any or all of my news with your social circle! (I love it when you do!)

As always, thank you so much for your ongoing support!


P.S. As we approach Some Kind of Hero’s July release, I’ll be sending out a few more e-newsletters than usual. I promise it won’t last long, and I’ll go back to writing my next book very soon! 🙂

The California Comedy series, from the new “Suzanne Brockmann Presents” line of m/m rom-com novellas!

By |2017-05-21T21:39:29+00:00May 21st, 2017|blog, news from Suz, Uncategorized|Comments Off on News from Suz: May 19, 2017

News from Suz: October 17, 2016

News from Suzanne Brockmann


Hey, I know I *just* sent you an e-newsletter…

But many of you were waiting for news about the print editions of my new Troubleshooters novella, Ready to Roll, and it’s finally available in print from both Amazon and B&N! (Yay!) I can also announce that the audiobook editions of both Ready to Roll and Home Fire Inferno will soon be available via Blackstone Audio, read by Patrick Lawlor and (hopefully!) Melanie Ewbank! (Double yay!)

And… the second installment of the California Comedy series, A Match for Mike, is also now available in e-book, with POD coming soon!

Finally, I’ve reissued Home Fire Inferno (Burn, Baby, Burn!), the second installment in the trilogy of Izzy-Zanella-centric shorts that starts with Free Fall and ends with Ready to Roll. I hadn’t realized—until very recently—that the charity anthology in which this story was originally published had gone out of print in most e-formats. So my brilliant cover art guy, Scott Fowler, immediately got to work so that I could get this to you, ASAP! Now all three stories are available in e-book!

Read on for details and links!

Ready to Roll:
Trade paperback print editions are available via print-on-demand from CreateSpace and NookPress:

Hardcover print editions are also available via print-on-demand from NookPress.

Note: Print on demand is cool. It allows authors to release indie books like Ready to Roll, and get them into the hands of readers who don’t read via e-book. The standard format is a trade-size paperback (mine are 5.5”x8.5”), but NookPress also makes a hardcover edition. It’s lovely, but expensive!

Just to be thorough, ICYMI…
Ready to Roll (A Troubleshooters Novella):
Kindle: http://amzn.to/2dHlNbW
Nook: http://bit.ly/2cSihPc
Kobo: http://bit.ly/2dYUyNp
iBooks: http://apple.co/2dspJiS
GooglePlay: http://bit.ly/2dxsRIK

A Match for Mike, Book #2 in the California Comedy series is here!

I’m the editor and publisher (the line is called “Suzanne Brockmann Presents!) of this really fun project written by my son, Jason, with help from my husband, Ed.

Jason and Ed are screenwriters—together we all co-wrote our movie, The Perfect Wedding, a sweet little boy-meets-boy romantic comedy in which the fact that the two heroes are gay doesn’t create any conflict in the story. Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of conflict and hijinx in our movie, but it doesn’t come from any issues with anyone’s sexual orientation.

But making a movie is freaking expensive. We Kickstarted our second movie (a shout out to all who helped! TY so much!), an LGBTQ thriller called Russian Doll, written by Ed. But even with literal help from our friends, we’re still working on a seriously tight budget, which makes post-production take forever!

So Jason approached Ed (or maybe Ed approached Jason…?) with the idea of writing m/m romances that are essentially classic 90-minute-long feel-good rom-com movies, only in novella form. I chimed in, “That sounds exactly like a category romance,” and voila, the “Suzanne Brockmann Presents” line of m/m category romances was born!

Our goal with these books is to deliver both the funny with the traditional rom-com happily ever after, with a few euphemistic happy-endings along the way! 🙂

Again, we’ve set these stories in a world where the conflict—and the comedy—isn’t based on the heroes’ being gay.

Special note: we’re absolutely not saying that coming-out or even inability-to-come-out-yet stories aren’t still vitally important in today’s romance genre. But Jason wanted to write stories that reflected his own experiences, growing up in a welcoming and supportive world. The California Comedy series features the voice of a young gay man who is profoundly comfortable in his own skin, living a life of truth in the sunlight! (Gotta love that!)

And as long as we’re talking #OwnVoices, A Match for Mike also features a Deaf hero. Again, Jason writes from his experience growing up and living his life hearing impaired, with his strong connection to the Deaf community. (If you haven’t seen one of Jace’s sign language videos on YouTube, here’s a link to my favorite: https://youtu.be/TGPeyrGucYg  And yeah, that’s tied with my other favorite, filmed during one of Jason’s ASL classes:  https://youtu.be/Ai9rFjscWHQ )

Plus all that authentic goodness comes with a serious helping of funny.

Here’s the blurb for A Match for Mike:

Attorney Mike Davis has just about everything he’s ever wanted—a great job and a beautiful condo in LA. Basically, he’s all set—except for the fact that romance disappeared from his life some years ago, and hasn’t been heard from since. So when a work assignment brings him to the small mountain resort town of Dancing Elk, the home of his estranged childhood crush, Mike expects his nonexistent love-life to go from bad to awkward mess.

Handyman and amateur photographer Jeremy Schofield grew up in sleepy Dancing Elk, and got used to being left behind when vacations ended and the visiting families went back home. As a child, Jeremy lived for the long, lazy summer days when his best friend Mike was in town. Mike was his match in so many ways—he’d even learned sign language to communicate with Jeremy, who is Deaf. But the year they turned seventeen, both Jeremy and Mike fell under the spell of the same boy, and at the end of that summer, when Mike left, he left for good.

But now Mike’s back, and he surprises Jeremy by asking for his help in repairing an important client’s estate. When the two old friends work side-by-side, sparks fly and passion ignites as a kamikaze bat, a collapsing floor, a stray alpaca, and an elderly woman with the worst plumbing in California conspire to bring them back together. (34,000 words or 130 pages)

Here’re the links to A Match for Mike:
Kindle: http://amzn.to/2dkXVg3
Nook: http://bit.ly/2dZ674T
iBooks: http://apple.co/2dfcVJb
googleplay: http://bit.ly/2e8TcRC
Kobo: http://bit.ly/2dPjdBW

Print: Coming soon!
Suz Website link: www.SuzanneBrockmann.com/books/suzanne-brockmann-presents/

(And yes, our cover model for A Match for Mike is the talented and brilliant David Allen Singletary, who also plays a small but pivotal role in Russian Dollhttp://www.davidallensingletary.com )

Home Fire Inferno (Burn, Baby, Burn!)

So I discovered when I released Ready to Roll that many of you had not yet read Home Fire Inferno, the second story in a connected trilogy of Troubleshooters shorts and novellas.  HFI was originally published in a charity anthology of military romances called Way of the Warrior, in which money raised went to support wounded military veterans.

But when RtoR came out, I realized that Way of the Warrior had gone (mostly) out of print. (It’s no longer available in the Kindle or Nook formats, and the other formats will vanish soon, too. You can still pick up a copy of the mass market print edition, but only until the current inventory is gone!)

Because of this, I’ve rushed to reissue Home Fire Inferno in a special e-book edition, in which $1 for each e-book sold will still go to support veterans. (Thank you for helping me do that!)

Here are the links to my reissue of Home Fire Inferno:
Kindle: http://amzn.to/2eJkc92
Nook: http://bit.ly/2diduqq
iBooks: http://apple.co/2exWmOB
GooglePlay: http://bit.ly/2dicZwG
Kobo: (coming soon)

And… just as many of you might not have read Home Fire Inferno, you may have missed Free Fall, too.  (If so, that’s kinda cool, since you can now go directly from reading Free Fall to Home Fire Inferno to Ready to Roll!)

In that spirit, here are the links to Free Fall, too:
Kindle: http://amzn.to/1zJpm7I
Kindle UK: http://amzn.to/1AuvdOh
Nook:  http://bit.ly/2e0l9ZA
Kobo:  http://bit.ly/1wAZc6i
ibooks: http://bit.ly/1wrP8aC
GooglePlay: http://bit.ly/2diPaoi

In anticipation of the burning question: But what about readers who prefer print?

Fear not, but please be patient!

In a few months, I’ll be releasing a 2-in-1 print-on-demand edition of both Free Fall and Home Fire Inferno. In fact, the cover’s ready—you can see it here!  (I’ll email you again when it’s available!)

Don’t forget that my next full length Troubleshooters novel, Some Kind of Hero will be available in hardcover and ebook from Ballantine Books on July 11, 2017. You can preorder it now!

And here are the links to preorder Some Kind of Hero!
Kindle:  http://amzn.to/2cLcXhQ
Nook: (Not yet available!)
Kobo:  kobo: http://bit.ly/2dhOMTW
iBooks: http://apple.co/2e87stD

Okay, readers and friends. That’s all for now! Please feel free to email, blog, post, tweet, and/or share any or all of my news with your social circle!  In fact, I appreciate it enormously when you do!

As always, thanks so much for your ongoing support!


By |2017-05-21T21:13:34+00:00October 18th, 2016|blog, news from Suz, Uncategorized|Comments Off on News from Suz: October 17, 2016

News from Suz: October 05, 2016

Ready to Roll is finally available as an e-book!

(And it’s got a new cover!)
Rabbit, rabbit! Happy October!

And—for the first time in a long time…
Ready to RollHappy Finally-I-Have-News-About-the-Release-of-the-Next-New-Troubleshooters-Book!

We have a title! We have a release date! We have more Navy SEAL Team Sixteen and Izzy Zanella!

Some Kind of Hero will be coming at you in hardcover and ebook from Ballantine Books, and in audio from Blackstone Audio, on (mrph-smrph).  (Yeah, I intentionally mumbled that release date. But read on because…!!)

This new Troubleshooters novel is set (mostly) in San Diego and features Navy SEAL LT Peter “Grunge” Greene, who has recently gained custody of his estranged teenaged daughter, Maddie.

And although Pete (the lieutenant’s a little embarrassed by his SEAL nickname and thinks of himself as “Pete”) is an officer with the reputation for being both aloof and the most diabolically kickass instructor in the history of BUD/S training, his SEAL teammates—including Izzy Zanella—rally around him to assist when Maddie runs away.

But it’s Shayla Whitman, Pete’s slightly older, mother-of-two, across-the-street neighbor who provides both the smarts and the skills to help him find—and connect with—the missing girl.

(Shayla’s a romance author, so connection is her specialty. And yup. I went there!)

Some Kind of Hero is old-school Troubleshooters with a whisper of a WWII subplot, too.  I worked hard to pack in the action, the emotion, the drama, and the funny—I think you’re gonna enjoy the end result!  When Zanella’s involved, the funny comes easy! But Shay, as a writer, really brings it, too.  I think my personal favorite scenes are when Pete and Shay discuss one of Shay’s romance novels, which Pete is now reading…

So okay. Here’s where I finally enunciate the not-so-good news:
Some Kind of Hero will be out in hardcover, ebook, and audio on July 11, 2017.


Next summer.  After this mother-*#&%-ing election, and after Christmas, New Year’s, Inauguration Day, Valentine’s Day, Memorial Day, AND the Fourth of July.  That July 11th—the one’s that’s nine months away. Someone reading this is not yet pregnant, but will give birth and have a baby before Some Kind of Hero is in her hands. (If it’s you, congratulations!! Izzy says “Please don’t name the baby Irving, but both Pete and Shayla are great names!”)

It’s all my fault that Some Kind of Hero is coming to you so late, and I’m so sorry.

It took me a really, really long time to figure out exactly what I wanted/needed to write after a rough coupla years, and I apologize for that.  But I finally found this story—and this SEAL hero! Full disclosure: Some Kind of Hero has been written, revised, and handed in! In fact, I’m working on reviewing the copy edits RIGHT NOW! The July date isn’t going to change because of any delays on my end, I promise you that!

But okay.  Because July 2017 is such a long, long, LONG way away, and because I’ve already made you wait years for a new Troubleshooters book, I’ve gotten Ballantine’s blessing to release Ready to Roll, a Troubleshooters novella, right here and right now. (The links are live!  It’s available in ebook with POD coming soon, in both hardcover and paperback! The audio download will also be available soon!)

The super cool thing about Ready to Roll is that in it you’ll get to meet Pete (the SEAL hero of SKOH), along with getting a hefty serving of Izzy Zanella and the entire Gillman-Zanella family. (Izzy’s wife Eden! Eden’s little brother Ben! Eden’s other brother and Izzy’s SEAL-in-law, Danny Gillman! Dan’s wife Jenn! Dan and Jenn’s new baby, Colin!)

Also…? In Ready to Roll, you’ll get to meet an entire boat squad of young SEAL candidates who are enduring (surviving?) Phase One of BUD/S.

Here’s the book’s official blurb:

Oh, wait.

First, a reminder that Ready to Roll was originally intended to be a short story.  But when I sat down to write it (it’s the third tale in a trilogy that includes Free Fall and Home Fire Inferno), there was way more story than I could possibly fit in 12K words (think 50ish book pages).

Ready to Roll is, instead, a 56K word/200-page novella. (It’s almost exactly the same length as my Jules & Robin book, All Through the Night!)

Here’s that blurb for Ready to Roll:

Suzanne Brockmann returns to the action-packed world of her bestselling Troubleshooters series with a new novella featuring U.S. Navy SEAL Izzy Zanella, his extended family, and his kickass teammates in SEAL Team Sixteen.

The only easy day is yesterday.

BUD/S (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL) training is known for being the toughest, meanest, most physically punishing program in the entire U.S. Navy, and a new crop of tadpoles have arrived in Coronado eager to prove their worth—to make it through Hell Week and become U.S. Navy SEALs.

Although Izzy prefers assignments out in the “real world,” he’s glad to be an instructor for the current BUD/S class because it allows him to spend time at home with his wife, Eden, and her lively and lovable extended family.

Eden’s sixteen-year-old brother, Ben, is dealing with a new crush and a homophobic bully in his high school, but it soon appears that things are not as they seem.

As Ben deals with the type of too-serious high school drama that could involve a body count, Izzy is intrigued by “Boat Squad John,” a misfit team of young SEAL candidates all named John, including the intriguing young Seagull, his swim buddy Timebomb, and Seagull’s nemesis Hans.

Does Seagull have what it takes keep Boat Squad John still standing when the dust of BUD/S Hell Week settles or will they ring out?

Set in Coronado during BUD/S training Hell Week, in Ready to Roll Brockmann introduces the SEAL officer and instructor nicknamed Grunge—Lt. Peter Greene—as she delivers what she does best: a story celebrating the U.S. Navy SEALs—and the women (and sometimes men) who wholeheartedly love and support them. (About 56,000 words or 200 pages)

The ebook of Ready to Roll includes the very first excerpt from Some Kind of Hero!

Nearly all of SKOH’s Chapter One is nestled at the end of RtoR.  So heads up if you are an excerpt avoider, and heads up, too, if you are an excerpt lover!

Mark your calendars for July 11, 2017 with a great big “More Izzy and Pete & Shayla” (or a “More Izzy and Pete; MEET SHAY!!” if you’re an excerpt avoider!).

And check out the awesome new cover for Ready to Roll, created by my art genius friend, Scott Fowler, who also did the cover for Free Fall. (I promise, after you read RtoR, you will love this cover even more, because that’s definitely the SEAL candidate nicknamed Seagull in the center, surrounded by the rest of Boat Squad John!)

Here are the links to Ready to Roll:

Kindle: http://amzn.to/2dHlNbW
Nook: http://bit.ly/2cSihPc
Kobo: http://bit.ly/2dYUyNp
iBooks: http://apple.co/2dspJiS
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2dJQOMn
GooglePlay: (coming soon!)

Print on Demand (coming soon!)
NookPress hardcover:
CreateSpace paperback:

Audio download: (coming soon!)

Website link: https://suzannebrockmann.com/books/e-shorts/ready-to-roll/

Before I go, a coupla quick recommended reads:

Evelyn, After by Victoria Helen Stone is out!  It’s women’s fiction, and it’s amazing, and it’s currently in pre-release at Amazon as a $1.99 Kindle ebook.  (Try it! It’s sooo good!) It’s not a romance, but it certainly has romantic elements, and I’ll say it again, it’s amazing! (The structure! The character development and growth! The story! The writing sings!) In fact, Evelyn, After is my favorite book of the year. I do not say that lightly! I loved this book.

Here’s the link to that Kindle edition: http://amzn.to/2dgvNgK
P.S. I think the book is currently free for those who have Amazon Prime!!


My new line of m/m category romances, Suzanne Brockmann Presents, is about to launch the next book in the California Comedy series, A Match for Mike.

Mike will be available within the next few weeks.  (I’ll send out another quick email when it goes on sale.)  Written by Jason T. Gaffney (aka my beloved son) with Ed Gaffney (aka Jason’s dad), A Match for Mike is extremely funny and sweet and spicy and…

(If you’re going, “Suzanne Brockmann Presents, wait, what…?” check out Creating Clark, California Comedy series #1, available in ebook and print-on-demand!)

Here are the links to Creating Clark:

Kindle:  http://amzn.to/29Abep9
Nook   http://bit.ly/2a8ls4c 
Kobo:     http://bit.ly/29P3djn
GooglePlay:  http://bit.ly/2a8mWeS
iBooks: http://apple.co/29TirBj

NookPress Hardcover:  http://bit.ly/29V6ZDj
NookPress PB: http://bit.ly/2aAntp5
CreateSpace PB:  at createspace store:  https://www.createspace.com/6434527
CreateSpace PB at Amazon.com:  http://amzn.to/29TSWhN

Okay.  That’s all for now.

Thank you for your time and attention!

Please feel free to email, blog, post, tweet, and/or share any or all of my news with your social circle!  In fact, I appreciate it enormously when you do!

As always, thanks so much for your ongoing friendship and support!


By |2017-05-23T19:50:45+00:00October 5th, 2016|Uncategorized|1 Comment

News from Suz: Aug. 1, 2015


Happy Summer!

It’s freaking hot here in Boston, where we rarely break 80 degrees, let alone endure this past week’s relentless 90s. But… I just saw a photo taken last winter and suddenly the heat doesn’t seem that bad! (It’s only been a few weeks since the last of the winter’s ice finally melted in Boston. Yes, really.)
This email is a quick hello to all of the new people on this e-newsletter list (hello!), an apology to everyone I missed seeing at RWA’s literacy signing (and also a “you’re welcome,” because you did NOT want to catch the nasty illness that I had!), and a heads up to all Boston/New England area readers!

TS 3 OTE 300 dpiBoston-Area readers and friends! 

Join me on August 11th at 7:00 p.m. at the Bacon Free Library in South Natick, Massachusetts for a casual and lively discussion of my third Troubleshooters book, Over the Edge.


Date: Tues. Aug. 11, 2015
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Bacon Free Library
    58 Eliot Street
    South Natick, MA 01760
Program: Discussion of Over the Edge (TS #3 – Stan & Teri) with author Suzanne Brockmann


This wonderful and charming library is hosting the open-to-the-public event. So throw a T-shirt on over your bathing suit, (or bring snacks and come straight from work) and hang out with me at the library for a fun and relaxing evening talking Over the Edge!


You remember this one.


Over the Edge is the story of Navy SEAL Senior Chief Stan Wolchonok and Navy Reserve helo pilot LT (jg) Teri Howe — and the Navy SEAL takedown of a commercial airliner hijacked by terrorists. OTE was first published in late August 2001. (Yup, right before 9/11.) This book’s big secondary romance is between Navy SEAL Sam Starrett and FBI Agent Alyssa Locke. (The book contains one of my personal all-time favorite scenes between Sam and Jules Cassidy!)*** The WWII subplot focuses on the Holocaust in Denmark — and how the Danish people flatly refused to let the Nazis round up their Jewish neighbors.


Yes, there’s a lot to talk about! I’m also going to bring my original OTE file, which contains my notes and outlines from writing the book.


I’m gonna try to get a friend to come and live-post the discussion (what is it called when that’s done on FB? On twitter, it’s live-tweet…) so those of you in far-off lands can follow along on my Facebook reader page at www.facebook.com/SuzanneBrockmannBooks


Mark your calendars and get out your ancient copy of OTE — it’s time for a re-read!


If you can’t find your copy or you want a shiny new one for your e-reader, here are some helpful and easy links:


Ebook links to Over the Edge:
Amazon Kindle: http://amzn.to/1JnG3Lk


Print (in case you lent your copy to your sister/friend/mother/husband/co-worker/best frenemy and (S)HE HASN’T GIVEN IT BACK!!): 
Book Depository: http://bit.ly/1eqKat5


Over The Edge AudioOver the Edge is also one of the early Troubleshooters books that was recently re-recorded in my now-trademark “dual narrator” format and reissued by Blackstone Audio! You can find this top-notch new edition, read by Patrick Lawlor and Melanie Ewbank, in CD, MP3, or audio download! (But heads up — the older edition is still floating around out there! Double check that you’re getting the new version — make sure it’s read by Patrick and Melanie before you click “buy”):



Here’s a link to the lovely library: http://www.baconfreelibrary.org


I hope to see you there!


P.S. My next book, Wild Sky, will be out in October in both trade paperback and in a hardcover library edition. This is the second installment in my YA paranormal Night Sky series co-written with my daughter Melanie Brockmann. Main character Skylar is back, but this time the story focuses on her wheelchair-bound best friend Calvin! Find out more at http://amzn.to/1KDYw8f


P.P.S. July’s filming of my latest indie movie, Russian Doll, was both on schedule and under budget! We’ve now moved in post-production! To get detailed updates about the movie (festival news, etc), join the official RD mailing list (also here at Tiny Letter!) at https://tinyletter.com/RussianDollTheMovie


***Come to the event to find out which scene is on my all-time fav list!


Night SkyWild Sky Over The Edge Audio
By |2017-05-23T20:13:14+00:00July 31st, 2015|blog, news from Suz, Uncategorized|7 Comments

News from Suz: May 26, 2015 (Kickstarter ends on May 30, noon ET!)


News from Suzanne Brockmann


The Kickstarter Campaign for my next movie, Russian Doll, ends at noon ET on May 30th (in just 4 days!)

And okay, maybe you’re not into movies. Books are probably more your thing, and I know you’re busy and you’re hit with a barrage of Very! Important! Emails! from a multitude of others besides me, so you’re thinking, “Yeah, Suz Brockmann, another movie, whatever, I don’t have time to read this–”

But wait, please, before you hit delete! Lemme give you some info in easy to read bullet points, complete with visual aids! (Also? Scroll down for an excerpt from ​Ready to Roll…)

  • I’m offering a boatload of reader-friendly backer rewards in my movie’s Kickstarter campaign that you cannot get anywhere else:

​​Signed (out of print!) hardcover edition of Hot Target (or Breaking Point, or Force of Nature, or All Through the Night) for just a $25 backer contribution to our movie! Price includes US shipping!

Signed limited print edition of Free Fall — a Troubleshooters short story usually only available in e-book format, for just a $20 backer contribution to Russian Doll. Price includes US shipping, PLUS I’ll throw in limited edition print booklets of my other TS shorts, When Tony Met Adam and Beginnings & Ends!

Signed limited print edition of Ready to Roll — my next TS short story featuring Navy SEAL Izzy Zanella and his extended family for just a $25 backer contribution, and yes, shipping is included for US readers. (P.S. Yes, RtoR will eventually be available in all e-formats, but this is your chance to get this story in print!)(All of the rewards are also available to international readers, but there’ll be an extra charge for shipping.)

Signed limited print editions of both Free Falland Ready to Roll​ with print editions of When Tony Met Adam and Beginnings & Ends as a bonus for just a $40 backer contribution, see top photo!

The Jules Cassidy Collection: Four signed (out of print!) hardcovers, plus all of the TS short print editions for just a $190 backer contribution! (See description above!)

Be a beta-reader for Ready to Roll. Part of my writing process involves emailing a first draft to a group of readers, and getting feedback from them. If you’ve ever wanted to beta-read (and get a Word doc of the story months before everyone else!), here’s your chance! The digital only “Be a Beta-Reader” is available for a $50 backer contribution. $75 gets you that first draft Word doc and a signed limited print edition, too.

  • There are other big $$$$ rewards available, too. (Writing critiques, Skype chats, lunch with me, lunch with me on set, have a house party and private screening of the movie, spend a day on the set as a featured extra…)  Info is over on our Kickstarter page.
  • Act fast, because the campaign ends on this Saturday, May 30th, at noon ET.  
  • Kickstarter is a crowdfunding site that allows movie makers and audiences to find each other in advance of production.
    • With Kickstarter, people can “back” a movie (and help with costs of production) in exchange for cool “rewards.”
    • Some of the projects I’ve personally backed include the Veronica Mars movie, a book co-written by William Shatner, a webseries called Fame Dogs that features strong female characters, and a musical project by my favorite female singer/songwriter Val Vigoda.
    • Movie making is insanely expensive, mainly because so many people need to be involved.
    • Our Kickstarter page includes a description of the film, plus my production company’s mission statement:

At small or LARGE Productions, we think the world is a far more diverse and interesting place than Hollywood blockbusters would have us believe.
Our mission is to create high quality, exciting, and entertaining movies featuring a universe where:

  • LGBTQ characters have leading roles that are never based on stereotypes
  • The main conflicts of our LGBTQ characters aren’t created by their sexual orientation
  • Female characters have leading roles that go beyond mother, wife, daughter, and/or woman-in-jeopardy
  • People of color have leading roles that are never based on stereotypes
  • A limited budget does not mean a compromised product

About Russian Doll:

  • Russian Doll is a SAG (Screen Actors Guild) ultra low budget feature length movie.
  • The script (a thriller) was written by Ed Gaffney.
  • The main character is an out lesbian police detective who takes on a perplexing missing persons case.
  • The heroine’s loving and supportive mom will be played by Kristine Sutherland (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • The movie will be filmed on high quality digital video during a fourteen-day shoot in Framingham and Concord, MA in July 2015.
  • Link to our Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/suzannebrockmann/russian-doll-a-feature-film

About Ready to Roll:

  • Ready to Roll will be available for sale in all e-formats.  (Release date TBA)
  • I expect to have the first draft ready to send to beta-readers by December 2015.

Although Navy SEAL Izzy Zanella prefers “real world” assignments over his latest stint as a BUD/S instructor, he’s always happy to spend time in San Diego, sleeping in his own bed with his smart and sexy wife, Eden.  Izzy and Eden share custody of her teenage brother Ben, but while Eden’s older brother Dan and his wife Jenn are busy wrangling their newborn son, Ben’s with Izzy and Eden full-time. And while he’s no colicky infant, he somehow manages to keep getting suspended from high school for fighting. A bully’s been targeting him, but there’s clearly more to the situation than meets the eye. Meanwhile, Izzy’s also challenged by a new trio of young SEAL candidates who are going through BUD/S training’s punishing Hell Week… (Estimated length:  About 25,000 words or 100 pages)

Ready to Roll is the third of a connected trilogy of Troubleshooters short stories that starts with FREE FALL and continues in HOME FIRE INFERNO, the TS story included in the WAY OF THE WARRIOR military romance anthology.

Featuring: Navy SEALs Izzy Zanella, Dan Gillman, Mark Jenkins, and Tony Vlachic, and their spouses and partners Eden, Jenn, Lindsey, and Adam. Introducing Navy SEAL LT. Peter “Grunge” Greene, and Petty Officers and Navy SEAL candidates John “Seagull” Livingston, John “Hans” Schlossman, and Jon “Timebomb” Jackson.  (With special appearances from Sam Starrett, Alyssa Locke, and Robin Chadwick Cassidy.)

Location: San Diego, California

Excerpt from Ready to Roll:  

Hell Week started the way it always started, with a shit-ton of noise.  Artillery simulators boomed and bullhorns were utilized by the team of instructors as the current crop of SEAL candidates finished up their initial beach run.

Izzy didn’t have to be there–his shift didn’t start until morning–but he liked the visual that came from witnessing Hell Week day one, hour one.  This mental photograph of the hopeful mob of SEAL candidates humping it down the beach would be easily recalled in five and a half days.  Izzy could and would compare and contrast it to the sight of the few dozen men left barely-standing.  It would reinforce the SEAL adage of being one of the “few of the few.”

And that wasn’t an ego thing.

Okay, it was a teeny bit of an ego thing.  Hard not to be.

But it was most valuable when it came to welcoming new members to the team.  Izzy knew that even the youngest, greenest-seeming SEALs had pushed themselves over the edge and were highly skilled and well-qualified to stand beside him.

Tonight, however, it was Eden who was next to him, shivering slightly in the crisp night air.  It was date night, and it had actually been her idea to come out to the beach like this.  But because she was here, they weren’t down at the water–civilians had to keep their distance–but they had a good vantage point. Plus Izzy’d brought along a small pair of binocular-like NVGs–night vision glasses.

He handed them to Eden, so she could take a look as the class ended their run and went almost directly into the churning ocean.  Tide was coming in, which added to the suck-factor.

“So this is where they start to quit?” Eden asked as she scanned the beach.  “I mean, it makes sense.  It’s so cold.”  She glanced up at him and smiled, adding, “Shh!  Don’t tell me that this isn’t cold, because I know.  Jumping out of a helo into the North Sea is cold.  But I’m not talking Navy SEAL degrees.  I’m talking mere-mortal temperatures.”

Izzy put his arm around her, and she did that thing that he loved, where she seemed to melt, completely, against him.  He kissed her–it was hard not to when she was looking at him like that.  But she’d asked him a question, so he answered it.

“Yes,” he said as she shifted to lean back against him, his arms still around her as she looked through the lenses again.  “This is where the mere mortals start to quit.  The doubter who is also both an over-thinker and good at math will be the first to go.  He hit the cold water, and he’s sitting there right now, getting slammed by the breakers, and he’s thinking This is seriously bad, and it’s only an hour in.  And his math brain is going clickety-clickety-click.  Twenty-four hours in a day; five days, eleven hours left to endure; Five times twenty-four is one-twenty plus eleven equals one hundred and thirty ones hours, and soon he’ll think Screw this caca-doody or the crusty sailor equivalent, and he’ll push himself up and he’ll stagger out of the water and beeline it for the bell.  Ding, ding, ding, he’s done, done, done.  And his adiosing his ass out of there creates entropy.  Before this very moment, there has only been I will succeed.  But now all the other doubters and over-thinkers, regardless of their skill at math, are suddenly overwhelmed with doubt and fear.  Now there’s a pop-up bubble in their head going, Look!  Quitting’s an option!  As for the quitters–they’ve been waiting for this moment, and now it’s here.  And they’re going At least–thank God–I’m not the first.”

“What does that matter–their not being first?” Eden tipped her head back to ask.  “Quitting is quitting.”

“It’s a stupid guy thing,” Izzy told her, nuzzling her neck through her thick, sweet-smelling hair.  “Some guys think it stings less when you’re not the first.”

“And you really think that this time the lieutenant is wrong about the guy who’s going to quit first?”

“Grunge isn’t wrong very often,” Izzy admitted.  “But this time, yeah, he’s definitely missing something.”

Grunge had gone with his instincts and pegged Petty Officer John Livingston, aka Seagull, as Quitter Number One.  The other instructors had been ordered to help Seagull along, essentially by getting in the little dude’s face and increasing his self-doubt.

You’re not going to make it, Livingston!

    Do your boat team a favor by ringing out now!  Don’t make them drag your sorry ass along with them, Livingston!  Everyone on this beach knows you are never going to make it!

    You’re not strong enough, Livingston, you’re not tough enough, you’re not mean enough, you’re not man enough . . .

Izzy could see the bulk of the instructors, close to the end of the line of SEALS who were now sitting, elbows linked, in the frothing surf.  Seagull was down there.

“Whoops, we have movement,” Eden announced, handing over the NVGs so Izzy could see.

But when he aimed the lenses toward Seagull, she added, “Nope, other end.  Is it him?”

“Grunge’s pick?” Izzy clarified.  “No.”  Quitter Number One wasn’t Seagull.  Grunge was rarely off by much, so maybe Seagull would be Quitter Number Two.  Izzy aimed the lenses back and sure enough, the instructors were leaning hard on Seagull–still in his face.

    At least one of them–a SEAL named Carlos–had a bullhorn, and his words drifted clearly down the beach.  Be a patriot, Livingston, you know you’re not good enough!  You know you’ll never do this, so step aside so the real men can be SEALs!

Izzy was looking directly at Seagull and right at that moment, right after a wave broke over the SEAL candidates’ very cold heads, he had a clear shot of the man’s face.  And he could’ve sworn he saw Seagull smile.

It was just a little smile.  A private smile.  It was weird, for sure.

“Grunge was definitely wrong,” Izzy told Eden.  “Guy he picked as Quitter Number One isn’t going anywhere, anytime soon.”

Link to the Kickstarter, where you can be a beta-reader — or get a limited print edition of Ready to Rollhttps://www.kickstarter.com/projects/suzannebrockmann/russian-doll-a-feature-film

Link to more info about Ready to Roll at my website: https://suzannebrockmann.com/books/e-shorts/ready-to-roll/

P.S. Apologies for the strange-seeming font size changes. As much as I love my new e-newsletter hosting site, Tiny Letter, they are not Mac-friendly, and I didn’t have the time to break out my ancient PC laptop. Forgive me. (Thank you.)

P.P.S. For those of you who’ve followed the adventures of my dog, Little Joe, since last summer’s back injury, paralysis, recovery from surgery, and amazing rehab, she’s doing quite well! I’ve posted a video on my Facebook “Suzanne Brockmann Books” page that shows how well she’s doing! https://www.facebook.com/SuzanneBrockmannBooks

Last but not least: Tri-State area residents (NY, NJ, CT!), mark your calendars!  RWA National is in NYC this July, and there is a HUGE booksigning scheduled for Wednesday, July 22nd at 5:30 p.m. (All books are donated, and all proceeds go to literacy programs!) I’ll be there (along with 800 of my romance author friends)!

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