My Halloween-set LGBTQ rom-com indie feature, Out of Body, is now streaming on Amazon Prime!

Out of Body the movie

Right about now you’re thinking, “Wait a minute, what, you make MOVIES…?”

My answer is “Yes!”

I have a tiny little production company called small or LARGE Productions, and we make SAG ultra-low budget LGBTQ indie features and steaming TV series!

Our fifth and latest project is the first season of a six-episode streaming TV (rom)comedy series called Marriage of Inconvenience. It’s currently streaming on the Dekkoo Channel. (An LGBTQ movie and TV subscription channel. You can give it a trial directly at Dekkoo (dot com), or select it as an add-on channel to Amazon Prime or your other fav streaming service like Hulu or YouTubeTV!) MOI was written by Jason T. Gaffney and his father, Ed Gaffney, who also wrote our feature Analysis Paralysis.

I co-wrote the screenplay for Out of Body, along with Jason, who also directed the feature.

OUT OF BODY is currently streaming on Amazon Prime. It’s also available from Amazon as a rental or purchase (for those who don’t have Prime), and it’s up on iTunes as a rental/purchase, too. You can also stream it on Dekkoo.

Our first movie was a romantic comedy called THE PERFECT WEDDING. Our second was a thriller, RUSSIAN DOLL, and both are available from Wolfe Releasing on DVD, and via Amazon, iTunes, and Google Play as rental and download purchases.

Marriage of Inconvenience Kickstarter and IMDb

Out of Body

Analysis Paralysis

The Perfect Wedding

Russian Doll

Out of Body IndieGoGo and IMDb

Analysis Paralysis Kickstarter and IMDb

Marriage of Inconvenience
Marriage of Inconvenience now streaming on Dekkoo
Analysis Paralysis
The Perfect Wedding
Marriage of Inconvenience
Marriage of Inconvenience
Out of Body
Russian Doll
The Perfect Wedding