News From Suz Brockmann: 5/5/2015 (Happy WOTW Release Day!)

Originally sent via my enewletter at

Way of the Warrior is here!

Happy May 5th: It’s Way of the Warrior Release Day!  (Or at least it is, here in the eastern time zone!)

This charity anthology of military romances includes my newest Troubleshooters short story, Home Fire Inferno, featuring Navy SEALs Izzy Zanella and Danny Gillman — along with seven other fantastic stories from some really terrific writers, including Julie Ann Walker, Anne Elizabeth, ML Buchman, and Catherine Mann!

Way of the Warrior is available in both ebook and paperback, and all proceeds from all of the authors and the publisher will go to the Wounded Warrior Project!

If you’ve already pre-ordered, thank you! Your book or ebook is on its way! (Scroll down to see the gorgeous cover art!)

“(Way of the Warrior) is a must-read for every military romance fan.” — Publishers Weekly

“A heartfelt tribute to our military personnel and the sacrifices they and their families make. This anthology is a hands-down winner…” — Library Journal

Here are some quick links to Way of the Warrior at your favorite on-line bookseller:



Or find out more about the book at my website!

Just a few quick headlines today: 

  1. Facebook Party for Way of the Warrior! Join me and the other authors at a Facebook bash hosted by Sourcebooks, starting (with me!) from 2:30 to 3:00 p.m. ET.
  2. New England area readers: I’m also holding a (live, in person!) launch party for Way of the Warrior at the Bacon Free Library in South Natick, MA this evening (Tuesday, May 5, 2015) at 7:00 p.m.!
  3. The Kickstarter campaign for my next indie movie, Russian Doll has launched!
  4. Find out how to get a limited print edition of Ready to Rollthe third and final installment in the trilogy of Troubleshooters short stories that started with Free Fall and continued with WOTW’s Home Fire Inferno via my Kickstarter campaign for Russian Doll!

And here are the details: 

1) Facebook Party for Way of the Warrior
Join me — and the other amazing WOTW authors — at a Facebook bash hosted by Sourcebooks, starting at 2:30 p.m. ET. 
I’ll be there chatting and answering questions on the WOTW Facebook page from 2:30 to 3:00 p.m. ET, so drop by to say “Hi!” if you can! 
See the full authors schedule here! One of the authors will be on Facebook, from 2:30 p.m. ET through 6:30 p.m. ET!
Here’s the Way of the Warrior Launch Party link:
Hosted by Sourcebooks Casablanca

2) New England area readers: I’m holding another celebration for Way of the Warrior’s release at the Bacon Free Library in South Natick, MA this evening!
That’s today, Tuesday, May 5th, 2015, 7:00 p.m. ET
Bacon Free Library
Author talk & book signing with Suz Brockmann
58 Elliot Street, South Natick, MA 01760
Note:  I’m donating all of the books at this event and all proceeds from their sale will go to the Wounded Warrior Project. Also! This little library is housed in a building constructed in the 1800s. It’s gorgeous and quirky and really quite lovely! Come check it out! (I hope to see you there!)

3) The Kickstarter campaign for my movie, Russian Doll has launched!

I’m executive producing another movie this summer — this one’s a thriller called Russian Doll. You can find out ALL about the movie on our Kickstarter page at (Or go to and search for “Russian Doll.”) There’s a short video to watch, as well as a ton of info about the production, like:

  • We’re filming Russian Doll in two very short, very busy weeks this July in the Boston area
  • Kristine Sutherland (Joyce Summers from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) has signed on to play the main character’s rather strong-willed mother
  • That main character is a female police detective, and the movie is filled with many other strong women, too
  • We’ve cast quite a bit of the film with local Boston actors
  • The script was written by my amazing husband and EDGAR Award Finalist Ed Gaffney

Making movies is both crazy and crazy expensive. So we’re using Kickstarter’s crowdsourcing to raise the last chunk of money that we need to make a truly high quality film.

Let me give you a quick crash course in Kickstarter 101. (Those of you who are familiar with Kickstarter, go ahead and skip down to the list of cool rewards below! Or follow the link above to pop on over to the site!)

For everyone still reading: 🙂

Kickstarter is a crowdsourcing site that allows people to set up campaigns to attract “backers” who will fund their creative projects in return for cool “rewards.” These campaigns tend to be short (30 or fewer days), and the campaign sets a financial goal that must be met by the last day of the campaign (or earlier!) or the project doesn’t get funded.

In this case, my family-run production company small or LARGE Productions and I are the people who have created a Kickstarter campaign to help support our latest SAG ultra-low budget indie feature-length movie, Russian Doll. (Making a high quality movie is possible but challenging with a micro-budget! The money we raise through Kickstarter will help enormously!)

So we’ve created a Kickstarter campaign for Russian Doll that will run from now through May 30th, and we’ve set our funding goal. Our job now is to attract “backers” — people who want to see Russian Doll get made and get unusual or exclusive “rewards.”

If you want to back the project, you have to go to Kickstarter and you have to select and “purchase” the reward you want to receive in exchange for your backer dollars, and pay for it like any other online purchase. But your credit card won’t get charged until the campaign ends on May 30th (at noon ET).

But here’s the thing: Kickstarter is an all-or-nothing deal. If we don’t get enough backers to hit our funding goal by May 30th, the campaign fails. And if the campaign fails, we don’t get the money, the backer’s credit cards aren’t charged — and all of the cool rewards vanish with a giant popping sound. (Okay, I made up the popping-sound part, but you get the idea!)

But if you back this project (thank you!) and enough other people also back this project, and we hit our funding goal by May 30th, then on May 30th, your credit card will get charged, we’ll have the $$$ to help fund our movie (THANK YOU!!), and we’ll work on getting your rewards to you ASAP.

We also stay connected to all of our backers during the filming of the movie. (We’re filming Russian Doll in early July in the Boston area!) As a backer, you’ll get updates and behind-the-scenes photos all through production and post-production — right up until we have your rewards ready to ship. (And even after that, as the movie is finished and is entered in festivals — we’ll let you know if there are any screenings that are local to you, and if we’re planning to attend, so we can say HELLO in person!)

So that’s how it works.

Obviously, the project creators (Ed and Jason and I) try to come up with super-neat-o rewards that make potential backers go, “Yeah, I kinda want that, plus the movie looks intriguing. This will be fun.”

We’ve got the standard movie-making rewards: A DVD of the finished film, a chance to come hangout on set, a signed DVD plus a PDF copy of the script …

But we’ve also created a set of rewards we hope will appeal specifically to you, my dear readers. Like:

  • signed copies of hardcover editions of some of my books
  • the “Jules Cassidy Collection” (signed hardcovers of Hot Target, Breaking Pint, Force of Nature and All through the Night, plus more…)
  • a print collector’s edition of Free Fall (which is otherwise only available in ebook and audio download)
  • a 30 minute Skype session with me in which we discuss Izzy, Buffy, Joss, Game of Thrones, Jules & Robin, (or your latest writing project!)
  • a critique of your manuscript
  • a limited print edition of my yet-to-be-released Troubleshooters short story, Ready to Roll.  (Cover art above!  Yes, that’s the cargo net from the SEAL BUD/S training O-course…)
  • a chance to be a beta-reader for Ready to Roll (There’s a limited number of this backer reward available, so jump on over to the site quickly if this makes you go “Hmm!”)
  • Give your name to a character in Ready to Roll. Be Ben Gillman’s guidance counselor, or a teenage girl in his class. Give your name (or a version of it!) to a Navy SEAL candidate who is medically rolled from BUD/S, or to a young woman trying to break free from an abusive relationship. (Again, act fast! There’re only four of these available!)
Backers can contribute any amount from $5 (for our heartfelt thanks!) to $10K (for a role in the movie with a line and a single-card end-credit), with many, many, many fun rewards in between!

Here’s that link to the Kickstarter page:

4) You now know how to get a limited print edition copy of Ready to Roll (through the Russian Doll Kickstarter!), but here’s a little more info about the story.

Ready to Roll is the final short-story installment of a trilogy of Troubleshooters shorts that started with Free Fall, and continues with Home Fire Inferno — available now (Now!) as part of the Way of the Warrior charity military romance anthology.

All three of these stories stand alone, but they all feature Navy SEALs Izzy Zanella and Danny Gillman and their new, combined extended family. And they’re all set relatively close together in time. Free Fall takes place about eight months after Breaking the Rules (TS #16, Izzy & Eden and Danny & Jenn’s book). Home Fire Inferno takes place a few weeks after Free Fall. And Ready to Roll takes place about a week after Home Fire Inferno.

There’s more information about Ready to Roll on the Kickstarter page — and on my website at . . .

Okay! Whew! That’s all the news!

Happy WAY OF THE WARRIOR Release Day!

Oh, one more thing? You can help tremendously by sharing the link to our Kickstarter page on Facebook, Twitter, or your favorite form of social media!  (And by spreading the world about WAY OF THE WARRIOR, too!)

Thank you SO much!

Love, Suz

By |2015-05-05T15:03:36+00:00May 5th, 2015|blog, news from Suz, Uncategorized|Comments Off on News From Suz Brockmann: 5/5/2015 (Happy WOTW Release Day!)

News from Suz: April 29, 2015 (Join my new e-newsletter list!)

Originally sent via my enewletter at


Hey! What the what? Suz Brockmann’s sending you an e-newsletter that includes cover art!

Yup. With Jason’s help, I pried my email newsletter list out of the rusty jaws of Yahoogroups, and brought it safely into 2015! (You may not have heard from me in a while because your email was tucking my Yahoogroup-alicious newsletters into your spam folder! I hope you’re well! I’ve been busy with a bunch o’ fun projects. More about that in a sec…)

It’s very nice and shiny here at Tiny Letter! I hope you’ll stay subscribed to my list, but if you feel the need to leave, there’s an easy-to-access UNSUBSCRIBE button down at the very end of this email.

But before you go: I’d love to share with you one last message about an upcoming book!  It’s called Way of the Warrior, and it’s an anthology of stories by eight military romance authors–of which I am one!

Not only is Way of the Warrior a great opportunity for you to discover other military romance authors, but your book-buying dollars will go directly to the Wounded Warrior Project.All proceeds from this charity anthology, from authors and publisher alike are going to that very worthy cause!

Way of the Warrior is available in paperback and ebook, from Sourcebooks.

My story is set in my Troubleshooters world and is called Home Fire Inferno.
Featured characters:
  Navy SEALs Izzy Zanella, Dan Gillman, Jay Lopez, Mark Jenkins, Senior Chief Stan Wolchonok (yes, Stan fans, the senior plays a role in this story, as does CO Jazz Jacquette!), and introducing Hospital Corpsman Hubert Bickles (aka the SEAL with the intriguing nickname HoboMofo); Eden Zanella, Jenn Gillman, Brianna Bickles, and Brianna’s 5th grade teacher and LOTR elf princess look-alike, Carol Redmond.
Location:  Manila, Philippines; San Diego and Obsidian Springs, California
Timeframe:  This Troubleshooters story tales place in January 2010, about eight months after the end of Breaking the Rules, and about two weeks after Free Fall, my latest TS series e-short.

Navy SEAL Dan Gillman’s wife, Jenn, goes into early labor while stranded in the California desert, as he and most of Team Sixteen are mission ready, overseas. Meanwhile, left behind with a recent knee injury and faced with impending surgery and rehab, Chief Jay Lopez decides that the timing might be exactly right for a romantic interlude with a pretty fifth grade teacher . . . High jinks *definitely* ensue. (12,000 words or about 50 pages)

Here’s an easy list of links for Way of the Warrior at various online booksellers:


Find out more about the book at my website!


I’m gonna attempt to be as brief as possible with the rest of my e-news.  (Shh, I hear you laughing! I said attempt.)

Here’re the headlines:

  1. New England area readers: I’m holding a launch party for Way of the Warriorat the Bacon Free Library in South Natick, MA on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.! (deets below)
  2. Advance Planners/Readers: The Romance Writers of America’s giant booksigning to support literacy programs is being held in NYC on Wednesday, July 22nd, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the New York Marriott Marquis!
  3. Advance Planners/Writers: RWA! NYC! July 22 – 25! I’m giving two workshops this year, one on diversity in romance with Farrah Rochon, and one on the writer/audiobook-narrator relationship with Patrick Lawlor! (deets below)
  4. ICYMI: My latest Troubleshooters e-short, Free Fall, (featuring Navy SEAL Izzy Zanella!) is available in all e-formats! Free Fall is the first installment of a connected trilogy of Troubleshooters short stories that continues in Home Fire Inferno, the TS story included in the Way of the Warrior military romance anthology, and concludes in an upcoming short called READY TO ROLL.
  5. I’m about to launch a Kickstarter campaign for a movie called Russian Dollthat I’ll be executive producing this summer. (But more about that in my next newsletter!)

Here’re the details:

1) Launch Party for Way of the Warrior
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Bacon Free Library
Author talk & book signing: Suz Brockmann
58 Elliot Street, South Natick, MA 01760
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Note:  I’m donating all books at this event!  All proceeds go to the Wounded Warrior Project. Also? This little library is housed in a building constructed in the 1800s. It’s gorgeous and quirky and really quite lovely! Come check it out!

2) Wednesday, July 22, 2015: New York City, NY
Romance Writers of America National Conference Literacy Book Signing

Location: New York Marriott Marquis
1535 Broadway
New York, New York  10036
Time: 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Open to the public but visit RWA’s website for info and signing guidelines!
Note:  Join me and hundreds of your favorite romance authors at a HUGE book signing.  All proceeds support literacy programs.3) Thursday, July 23 – Saturday, July 25, 2015: New York City, NY
Romance Writers of America National Conference
Location: New York Marriott Marquis
1535 Broadway
New York, NY 10036
Note:  I’ll be presenting two workshops at RWA.  Come and say hello!

The Human Experience: Throwing Away Stereotypes and Creating Realistically Diverse Characters through Empathy (Craft)
Speakers: Suzanne Brockmann and Farrah Rochon
Saturday, July 25; 4:30 p.m.
Black, white, gay, straight, male, female: we’re all human. And if we start with the basics—the human heart—we can easily avoid stereotypes and instead create a rainbow of realistically diverse characters to people our novels.

The Author/Audiobook Narrator Collaboration (Industry)
Speakers: Suzanne Brockmann and Patrick Lawlor
Thursday, July 23; 11:00 a.m.
A New York Times best-selling author and an award-winning audiobook narrator talk about how to find the right narrator not only to excite readers, but also to improve your writing and storytelling skills.

4) In Case You Missed It:  Here’s the blurb from Free Fall:  What should be an easy HAHO training jump for SEAL Team Sixteen goes wrong, forcing Izzy Zanella to do what he does best: Improvise.  At thirty thousand feet. 
About 12,000 words or 50 pages
vailable in ebook and in audio download read by Patrick Lawlor and Melanie Ewbank
Featuring: Navy SEALs Izzy Zanella and Tony Vlachic, their spouses and partners Eden and Adam, as well as Eden’s teenage brother Ben Gillman.
Location: San Diego, California; and Manila, Philippines
Timeframe: Free Fall takes place about eight months after the end of Breaking the Rules (TS #16)

5) Here’s the link to Russian Doll‘s website. Our Kickstarter campaign should go live on or around May 3rd and run through May 30th. I’ve created quite a few reader-friendly rewards for backers! More details coming soon!

Thank you for your time and attention!

By |2015-04-30T14:06:51+00:00April 30th, 2015|blog, news from Suz, Uncategorized|1 Comment

News from Suz: Dec. 22, 2014: A Holiday Intervention with Navy SEAL Dan Gillman

Free FallDanny Gillman (whispering to you):  Hey.  Yeah.  Over here. (wiping clear steamed up mirror) Hi.  It’s me.  Dan.  (tightens towel around his waist)  And yes, I’m talking to you from the bathroom.  It’s the only place where I know for sure that I’ll be alone over this crazy holiday week.  I’ve started taking *really* long showers.

Izzy’s voice (loudly singing from the living room):  Fa leh la leh LAH!  Leh-LAH LAH LAH!

Danny:  Yup.  (continues shaving in the bathroom sink) We’re here visiting Jenn’s parents for the holidays.  All of us.  Ben and Eden and Zanella, too.  At first it was just gonna be Jenn and me, but this is Ben’s first holiday season with all of us, so . . . Here we are.  ALL of us.  And don’t get me wrong.  I get it — I do.  SEAL Team Sixteen could go wheels up any day — any minute.  And Zanella and I are both Stateside this year.  God only knows where we’ll be next year.  (rinses and wipes face with another towel) So I wanted to give Jenn this family time, and I know she’s really loving it . . .

Izzy’s voice (loudly singing from the living room, falsetto-ed, a la a boy soprano):  The-uh fir-erst No-oh-ell thee-ee angels did say…!

Danny:  But holy freaking God.  (starts perusing the collection of hair care products crowding the counter top)  We’re all camped out in the playroom, because Jenn’s brothers are home to visit, too.  (Picks one, sniffs it, then squeezes some into his hand, and applies it to his hair)  And at least Jenn and I get the pullout couch, but *damn.*   And again, I’m not saying it hasn’t been fun, but you know how holidays can be.  It’s so flipping *relentless*.

Izzy’s voice (loudly singing from the living room, operatic basso profundo):  OHHH, HOHHH-LY NIGHT!  THE STARS ARE BRIGHTLY SHIIIIII-NING!

Danny:  (just looking at you in the mirror)

Another voice joins Izzy (in harmony):  FALL!  ON YOUR KNEEEEEEEEES!!!!

Danny (deadpan):  Oh, good.  Uncle Frank is singing now, too.  (leans closer to the mirror, lowers voice)  Look.  The holidays are great, but let’s face it — they’re not without stress.  If you need to take a break, don’t be afraid to lock yourself in the bathroom and do a little meditation.  Or better yet, bring your e-reader.  Take a time-out.  If you want to, you can spend it with SEAL Team Sixteen.  Suz’s latest Troubleshooters short story, FREE FALL, is available for download just in time for the holidays.  It’s a quick read — it’s about 50 pages long — around 12K words.  The perfect length for a mini-escape.  Izzy’s in it, I’m in it, Tony V is in it, so’s his fiancé Adam.  Eden and Jenn are in it — so’s Ben.  You’ll find out a little bit about how he’s adjusting to life in his new high school in San Diego.  And of course the main story focuses on a SEAL HAHO training jump.  Mr. Murphy’s along for the ride, so hijinx ensue.  But Murphy’s no match for Zanella.  As much as I bitch about the guy, I like knowing he’s there.  Because I know he’s always got my six.

Izzy’s voice (loudly singing from the living room):  But doooo youuuu recall! The most famous reindeeeer of all…!  (his voice gets louder as he approaches bathroom door and bangs on it)  Yo, Danbo!  You coming out any time soon?  I gots to whiz!

Dan (pulling on his clothes, calling back):  I’ll be out in a sec!  (looking back at you, whispers)  Or you can always take your e-reader, say you’re going for a walk, and then go sit in the car or maybe hide in the basement or…

Izzy’s voice:  Hurry up, brah!  We’re about to start an epic game of Settlers of Catan!  The Star Trek version!  And I know you want in on that magic!

Dan (whispering):  He’s right.  I do.  But I also know that it’s gonna get loud.

Izzy’s voice (banging — boom, boom, boom):  DANNY!  (as if he’s calling for Stella)  DANNY!!!!

Dan (whispering):  Louder.  I’m sure I’ll be back in here later, in an attempt to recover from all the fun.  (saluting you) Stay alive, whatever you do.  Oh, here’s the blurb for FREE FALL — and links to where you can download it.  Happy and merry and ho ho ho.  (takes deep breath, squares shoulders and opens the bathroom door.)

FREE FALL:  What should be an easy HAHO training jump for SEAL Team Sixteen goes wrong, forcing Navy SEAL Izzy Zanella to do what he does best: Improvise.  At thirty thousand feet.  (About 12,000 words or 50 pages)

Suzanne Brockmann, bestselling author of the pulse-pounding Troubleshooters series, has been hailed by USA Today as a “superstar of romantic suspense.” In this original short story, available exclusively as an eBook, Brockmann returns with some of her most beloved characters from the Troubleshooters world: Izzy Zanella and his friends in U.S. Navy SEAL Team Sixteen.

Kobo link to FREE FALL:

Nook link to FREE FALL:

Kindle link to FREE FALL:

And Kindle UK:

Kindle JP:

Kindle Canada:

(Coming soon:  iBooks and GoogleBooks!)

By |2017-05-23T20:18:17+00:00December 22nd, 2014|blog, news from Suz, Uncategorized|2 Comments

News from Suz: A Conversation with Navy SEALs Izzy, Lopez, Jenk, Dan, & Tony

Way of the WarriorNews from Suz Brockmann

September 22, 2014

A conversation with Navy SEALs Izzy Zanella, Jay Lopez, Mark Jenkins, Danny Gillman, and Tony Vlachic.

Izzy:  Guys!  Guys guys guys!  Check out this upcoming book called THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR!  (turning to look at YOU) You can check it out over on Suz’s facebook page, at  Pop over to look at it, then come right back.  I’ll wait….  (pause)  Welcome back!  Nice cover, huh?  This is an anthology of stories written by a bunch o’ awesome military romance authors, including our Goddess Suz.  

Lopez:  Yeah, Iz, shhh, don’t.  She doesn’t like it when you call her that.  You really don’t want to piss her off.

Izzy:  I’m safe.  I’ve won my HEA.

Lopez:  But I haven’t, so…shhh.

Jenk:  Whoa, look at that long list of authors.  Cathy Mann, Julie Ann Walker, Anne Elizabeth, Tina Wainscott, ML Buchman, Kate Serine, Lea Griffith… Nice.

Izzy:  Yup. Nicest of all is that fact that all proceeds — from all those authors, and from the publisher, too — are gonna go to the Wounded Warrior Project.

Danny:  What?  That’s great.

Izzy:  Yup.  Props to Julie Ann Walker.  It was her idea.

Tony (clears throat):  That IS a really great cover.

Izzy:  Yup.  Nice picture of moi, amiright?

(Silence.  Crickets might chirp.  Then, all speaking at once…)

Danny (scornfully):  Zanella, that’s  definitely not you.

Jenk: Dude, you know I love you, but I don’t really think that’s you.  Your hair’s darker.  And shorter.

Lopez (diplomatically): I’m… not sure that’s supposed to be you, Iz.

Tony: Actually, guys, I think that might be Adam.  He did some cover model work a few years ago…

Izzy: Right now it’s shorter.  My hair.  But it grows.  It’s grown.  And it’s the way it’s lit that makes it look lighter on the cover.  I mean, it’s obviously been touched up and airbrushed.  They took out the tattoos and scars and other identifying marks.  Because of me being active duty.

Danny: You know, now that you say that? I think it’s me.  Because you know, the Troubleshooters Team Sixteen story that’s in that anthology IS kind of about me.

Izzy: No, Dan, I mean, yes, you’re right, you’re in the story and the fact that you got Jenn pregnant at the end of BREAKING THE RULES is mondo important since the story is set about eight and a half months later, but (whispers) Suz has been telling everyone that this story features me.

Lopez (reasonable):  And me.  Remember, the story in THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR is called HOME FIRE INFERNO, as in “Keep the home fires burning.”  It takes place a few weeks after (SPOILER REMOVED) in FREE FALL.  So, because of THAT, you guys go wheels up, but I stay home.

Free FallIzzy (turning to look at YOU): In case you haven’t heard, FREE FALL is a TS short story that Suz is giving away in a special limited edition printed booklet as an extra for her NIGHT SKY virtual signing.  More about that in a bit, but if you’re curious, you can check out the cover and a brief blur for FREE FALL at

Jenk:  Well, I’m in both stories, but that’s definitely not me on the cover of THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR. I’m thinking Tony’s right and that’s Adam.

Tony: We’re all in both stories.  They go together.  I mean, you don’t need to read FREE FALL to have HOME FIRE INFERNO feel complete, but Suz told me they were parts one and two in a trilogy of shorts that she was writing.  The third one features Ben — and yes, more Izzy.  And Adam and me, too.

Danny:  Ben, like my little brother Ben?  Like my still-in-high-school little brother Ben?

Izzy:  Like your taller-than-you “little” brother Ben.

Jenk: He’s only sixteen, and he’s already 6’3”.  He’s freakishly tall.  Give him another month and he’ll be taller than you, too, Iz.

Danny:  If Ben’s in the third story, then I probably am, too.

Izzy: Unless we’re both deployed.

Lopez: We all might be deployed.  Unless the third story’s set right after FREE FALL and HOME FIRE INFERNO and I’m still (SPOILER REMOVED).  God, that’s frustrating.  I hate it when you guys deploy without me.

Izzy (gasping)  Lopez said HATE.

Lopez (mildly):  I don’t hate much, but I definitely hate being left behind.

Tony:  Hey, guys?  Maybe the man on the cover of THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR is supposed to be a Marine or maybe even Air Force.  You know Cathy Mann’s got a story in there, too.

Izzy:  In my next life, I want to come back as one of Cathy Mann’s foster dogs.

Tony:  Yeah, Adam was talking about maybe getting a dog, and I told him to follow Cathy on Facebook, see who she’s fostering now.  She’s freaking amazing.

Danny:  I’m pretty sure that’s a SEAL on that cover.

Lopez:  Well, we KNOW it’s a SEAL on the cover of FREE FALL.

Izzy:  Yes!  It’s me!  Suz has said that it’s me!

Danny (looking at that cover): The silhouetted guy in the foreground or the silhouetted guy in the background?

Izzy:  Foreground.  The guy in the background could be any one of you.  You’re all in FREE FALL.

Lopez:  Yeah, I know I’m in FREE FALL.  (sadly)  That’s where (SPOILER REMOVED).

Jenk:  So the first short story featuring SEAL Team Sixteen is called FREE FALL, and it’s available in a limited edition printed booklet being given away as a bonus “Extra” as part of Suz’s NIGHT SKY virtual signing, which is open for orders from now until October 3rd.  That’s the way readers can get a printed version of this short.  Here’s the link to the VS:

Izzy:  FREE FALL has that gorgeous cover that is definitely featuring moi, participating in a HAHO jump, hence the name of the story.  Suz reports that that the story is 12K words, and about 50 manuscript pages, which works out to 24 booklet pages with size ten font and skinny, skinny margins.  (The booklet is 8.5” x 5.5”)

Jenk: Printing a short is expensive.

Izzy:  No shit!  And for readers who prefer their heaping serving of Zanella in an e-short, Suz reports that FREE FALL will be available for sale in all e-formats in December.  Although she might have to get Chief Karmody to help her get the story up online.

Jenk: So FREE FALL, available now through the virtual signing.

Izzy: Yup.  Oh, and also readers who come to one of Suz and her NIGHT SKY co-author and daughter Melanie’s in-store events in October can pick up a copy of FREE FALL with NIGHT SKY — get both of ‘em signed in person.  So that’s another way to get the limited edition printed FREE FALL booklet.

Danny:  Ben’s reading NIGHT SKY right now.  It’s YA paranormal.

Jenk:  NIGHT SKY got a starred review from Kirkus.  That means they loved it.  Got some great cover quotes from Melissa Marr, PC Cast and Gena Showalter, too.

Danny:  Ben’s loving it, too.  Jenn’s reading it next.  Then me.

Izzy (distracted):  You read YA?

Danny:  I read.  And yes, okay, I read YA.  I want to know what Ben’s reading.  I want to be able to talk to him.

Izzy (trying to kiss Dan):  I love you, you big, soft, gooey lug, you know that?

Danny (faux-slapping Izzy away):  Don’t be an idiot.  Jesus.

Izzy: You’re a good brother, and you’re gonna be an awesome daddy.

Danny:  Jesus, I hope so…

Lopez:  Keep breathing, Dan. Don’t hyperventilate again.

Izzy (back to YOU):  If you want to get FREE FALL signed, in person, Suz and Mel are doing events in Framingham, MA; and Sarasota, Tampa and Venice, Florida.  You can check out their schedule on Suz’s website.

Jenk:  And the SECOND story in this trilogy of shorts is called HOME FIRE INFERNO–

Izzy (singing) Burn, baby, burn!  (spoken)  That’s actually the subtitle.  The short is called HOME FIRE INFERNO (Burn, Baby, Burn!)  Get it?

Jenk: HOME FIRE INFERNO (Burn, Baby, Burn!) is part of that charity anthology called THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR, and it’s coming out in e-book and paperback in April from Sourcebooks, with ALL proceeds benefiting the Wounded Warrior Project.  Suz reports that her story is about 12K words and that in addition to featuring all of us who are here right now, it also features the SEAL who’s nicknamed HoboMofo.

Izzy (delighted):  Hobe!  Yes!

Lopez:  I don’t know HoboMofo very well.  His real name’s Bert, right?  Bert Bickles?

Jenk: Chief Hubert Bickles, yeah.  He’s a hospital corpsman.

Lopez:  Like me. Which is why I don’t know him that well. (pause) Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

Izzy:  Because we keep pissing off our Goddess Suz, and since you’re the only one who’s single…

Lopez (sadly):  I’m the one who pays the piper.  That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you so, shhhh with the Goddess thing!

Danny:  What does that even mean, “pay the piper?”

Jenk:  Ferd McTurd, the FNG?  He’s single.

Tony: He’s also, like, twelve.

Izzy: Said the tadpole who’s barely thirteen himself.

Danny:  Also?  Ferd McTurd?  Not a great name for a romance hero.

Jenk:  That’s not his real name.

Danny:  I know that’s not his real name, but nicknames tend to stick.  Hello, HoboMofo?

Izzy:  Ah, that’s one of the greatest nicknames of all time.

Danny: It’s too long.  We’re always shortening it.  We call him Hobe, we call him Mohf, we call him Bo–

Izzy: Nobody calls him Bo.

Danny:  Well, you call him ‘Fo.

Izzy:  ‘Fo, yes, but not Bo.   And definitely never, ever “Ho.”

Danny: But what good is a nickname that’s too long?  I mean, HoboMofo takes forever to say.  It needs to be shortened.  For the love of God, just call the guy Bert.  If that’s his name.

Lopez:  I *think* that’s his name.

Jenk:  Hubert.  It’s his name.  Or you could call him Chief.

Izzy:  (Turning to look at YOU)  This scintillating conversation is going to continue for awhile, so let’s end this here.  Check out the cover for FREE FALL and then the cover for THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR.  That’s me on FREE FALL.  I’ll let you decide who’s on the cover of TWOTW.   So mark your calendars for April 2015 for TWOTW, and for December 2014 for FREE FALL.  And Suz’s virtual signing is currently open for those of you who want a hard copy of FREE FALL that you can hold in your hands and perhaps even hug or kiss or caress–

Danny: Jesus, Zanella.

Izzy:  I’m kidding.  They know I’m kidding.  (looking back at YOU)  You know I’m kidding.  Also about the cover art thing.  Especially about the cover art thing. I know that’s not me.  I got way too many scars, and my hair’s much darker than that guy’s.  Also, yeah, the tatts… I mean, sure, they could airbrush ‘em, but… I think Tony’s right and it’s Adam.  But whoever this dude is, he’s doing us all proud, and he’s helping raise money for a very important cause.  Okay.  Links to various things below.  Thank you for your time and attention.  Z out.

Night Sky Virtual Signing (with free extra FREE FALL printed booklet):

Suz and Mel’s October appearances:

More about FREE FALL:

More about NIGHT SKY:

More about The Wounded Warrior Project: 


  • DANGEROUS DESTINY, the Night Sky Series Prequel, in all e-formats from Sourcebooks Fire, (still!) available for FREE for a limited time (and coming in audio from Blackstone, read by Melanie Brockmann, 10/7/2014)
  • DO OR DIE, in paperback and ebook from Ballantine books, and in audio from Blackstone (read by Patrick Lawlor and Melanie Ewbank), 9/30/2014
  • NIGHT SKY, YA paranormal co-written with Melanie Brockmann, in hardcover and e-book from Sourcebooks Fire, and in audio from Blackstone (read by Melanie Brockmann), 10/7/2014
  • FREE FALL, a Troubleshooters short story featuring Navy SEAL Izzy Zanella, available in a limited edition print booklet as an extra with the NIGHT SKY virtual signing (orders open through Oct. 3rd), and on sale as an e-short, 12/2014
  • THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR, a military romance anthology with Catherine Mann, Julie Ann Walker, Anne Elizabeth, et al, with all proceeds going to The Wounded Warrior Project, in paperback and e-book from Sourcebooks, 4/2015
  • HEADED FOR TROUBLE, still available in paperback, ebook, and audio

Dangerous Destiny

Night Sky

By |2017-05-23T20:23:17+00:00September 22nd, 2014|blog, news from Suz, Uncategorized|1 Comment

FREE (for a limited time!) e-short-story download of DANGEROUS DESTINY

Dangerous DestinyAugust 27, 2014

Free!  FREE!  Fah-REE!

DANGEROUS DESTINY, the e-short prequel to my YA paranormal NIGHT SKY series (co-written with my amazing daughter Melanie!) is available today and it’s FREE!

This e-short-story’s only gonna be free for a limited time (a few weeks or so), so download it now before it reverts back to its $2.99 price.

The story itself is about 60 pages long, but there’s a hefty excerpt from NIGHT SKY (which comes out in e-book and hardcover from Sourcebooks Fire and in audio from Blackstone Audio — more about that in a sec), as well as a fun Q&A with Melanie and me, in which we discuss mother-daughter writing collaborations, among other things!

So if you’ve been on the fence about reading NIGHT SKY, our first Brockmann-Squared YA novel, this free (FREE!) prequel short, DANGEROUS DESTINY, will give you a taste and introduce you to our sixteen-year-old first person main character Skylar Reid and her best friend Calvin.  (And we hope you will like them as much as we do!)

Here’s the blurb from DANGEROUS DESTINY:

In this pulse-pounding prequel to the Night Sky series by New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Suzanne Brockmann and her daughter Melanie Brockmann, Skylar has her first brush with Destiny. She’s about to meet a boy who will change her life—and a girl who wants to end it.

I know her.

Know her from inside the dreams. Inside those terrible, murderous, bloody dreams. I’ve heard her-screaming, her voice mixing in an awful chorus with all those other girls. Little girls. 

Please, God. 

That’s what one of the little girls keeps saying, in the dream that is not just a dream. Please, God. 

But I know better. There’s no escaping this fate. This is destiny.

I must kill Skylar…

Skylar Reid is the new girl at school. Her mom just moved them to Florida—aka The Land of the Living Dead, where the average age of her new neighbors was seventy-five—to start over. Skylar is not a fan of the change or her total lack of friends. Until she meets Calvin, a funny, sarcastic boy who doesn’t let being in a wheelchair stop him from verbally shredding their preppy classmates. Skylar’s just about to decide her new school’s not a total loss when an odd girl wearing an oversized trench coat in the murderous Southern heat declares, “You’re one of us.” And then tries to kill her…


This short story was a challenge to write, because the action takes place several months before the start of NIGHT SKY.  NIGHT SKY is a “stranger in a strange land” type book, where Sky comes to learn that not only does she live in a world where some people have super-powers, but that she’s one of those special super-power people.

But Sky doesn’t find that out until quite few pages in to Night Sky.  So when the publisher approached Melanie and me with the idea of writing a 0.5 story (a prequel), while we liked the idea of a “How Skylar Met Her BFF Calvin” storyline, we had to figure out how to keep Sky in the dark about her weird world, while cluing readers in to the fact that our YA series was paranormal.

In other words, if we wrote “Skylar Meets Cal in the High School Courtyard,” we were afraid it would feel very much like a contemporary YA.

So how do authors write a short story that’s clearly paranormal, while leaving their first-person main character in the dark about those very paranormal elements?

Welp, you’ll have to read DANGEROUS DESTINY to find out just what we did.  (Have I mentioned that it’s currently free?!)

Audiobook listeners take note: Melanie Brockmann narrated the audio version of both NIGHT SKY and DANGEROUS DESTINY — both will be available from Blackstone Audio on October 7, 2014.  (I can’t wait to hear my co-author’s interpretation!)

But back to today and the whole FREE thing…

DANGEROUS DESTINY is now available FREE in Kindle format from Amazon (for a limited time) at

And it’s FREE in Kobo format (for a limited time!) at

It’s FREE for UK readers in the Kindle format (for a limited time!) at Amazon.UK:

It’s FREE from Barnes & Noble in Nook format (for a limited time!) at

It’s free in iBooks (for a limited time!) at

And as I find more places where DANGEROUS DESTINY is available in additional formats, I’ll post links on my Facebook page and website!

If right about now, you’re going, “What exactly is YA?”  YA stands for Young Adult.  YA’s target audience is anyone from from age 10 to 100 who enjoys the particularly emotion-fraught journeys of teenage characters.  I know that many of you know readers who are too young to enjoy my adult romance novels… Finally, here’s an opportunity to hand them a Brockmann story!  (We don’t drop the f-bomb TOO many times, I promise!)

Here’re some nice things reviewers are saying about Night Sky:

RT BookClub says: “One of the most intriguing YA books this year. There’s supernatural happenings, action and some of the wittiest dialogue in a YA book to date.”

“I have been a Suzanne Brockmann fan for years, and I am delighted to say that I am now a fan of Team Brockmann!  NIGHT SKY is full of adventure, humor, and just the right amount of Brockmann wit and humor.  I love this book!” – P.C. Cast, New York Times bestselling co-author of The House of Night series.

“Original and exciting, NIGHT SKY propels readers into a dangerous future. Loved it.” — Melissa Marr, New York Times bestselling author of Made for You and the Wicked Lovely series

“This book is so good!  Action-packed, mysterious, charming and witty.  Sky is a girl you want to be and Milo is a guy you want to date.  Who knew nice guys were so sexy?  I’m ready for more!” — Gena Showalter, New York Times bestselling author of Alice in Zombieland

And from Kirkus’s starred review of NIGHT SKY:  “With a little something for everyone and a hip sense of humor, dialogue, and teen angst, this is a gripping page-turner from first to last. Particularly nice is the full integration of wheelchair-bound Calvin, who is far more than his disability. The start of something that can only be described as “greater-than.”

Find out more about NIGHT SKY on my website at  (Or download DANGEROUS DESTINY for free (!!!!), meet Skylar and Calvin in a short story prequel, check out the fun Q&A with Mel and me, and read an excerpt from the first NIGHT SKY novel (due out in e-book, hardcover and audio on October 7, 2014).

Oh, hey, and if you enjoy DANGEROUS DESTINY, please help us out by posting reviews at your favorite on-line bookseller or site, and spread the word among YA readers!

Okay, gang.  That’s it for now.

As always, thank you for your support!

To sign up for my email newsletter, visit my website at

Suz Brockmann

  • DANGEROUS DESTINY, the Night Sky Series Prequel, in all e-formats from Sourcebooks Fire available now for FREE (coming in audio from Blackstone, read by Melanie Brockmann, 10/7/2014)
  • DO OR DIE, in paperback and ebook from Ballantine books, and in audio from Blackstone (read by Patrick Lawlor and Melanie Ewbank), 9/30/2014
  • NIGHT SKY, YA paranormal co-written with Melanie Brockmann, Sourcebooks Fire, 10/7/2014
  • HEADED FOR TROUBLE, still available in paperback, ebook, and audio.
  • THE PERFECT WEDDING, now streaming on Netflix and Hulu! Available on DVD from Wolfe Release, Amazon, and
By |2017-05-23T20:26:35+00:00August 27th, 2014|Uncategorized|15 Comments

ALA in Las Vegas, baby!

Librarians take note:!

On Saturday, June 28, 2014, at 2:30 p.m., Melanie and I will be signing ARCs (advance copies) of our co-written YA paranormal novel, Night Sky, at the Sourceobooks booth #622, at the American Library Association convention in Las Vegas, Nevada!

We’ve been traveling a lot lately — we attended RT in New Orleans back in May, and the BEA conference in NYC several weeks later!

While we were in NOLA, we had the chance to sit down for a video interview with the amazing Morgan Doremus.  You can watch our interview below or here.

By |2017-05-23T20:29:36+00:00June 26th, 2014|Uncategorized|2 Comments

Booksignings in NJ and DE this weekend: 2/22 and 2/23

February 21, 2014
Happy almost spring, she said optimistically.

I’m currently up in Boston, where the melting snow is creating a heavy fog. Still, I’m thinking warm and sunny thoughts of tulips and daffodils!

DO OR DIE, the first book in my “Reluctant Heroes” series (or the 17th book in my Troubleshooters series, depending on how you look at it! FYI, DO OR DIE is the start of a new story arc set in my TS world — similar to the way FLASHPOINT started a new story arc after Sam Alyssa won their HEA!) is now available in all bookstores, both brick mortar and on-line!
Tomorrow, Saturday, Feb. 22nd, I’ll be heading south to balmy New Jersey (the state of my birth!), where I have a 2:00 p.m. book signing event at the Barnes and Noble in East Brunswick at the Brunswick Square Mall. And Sunday, Feb. 23rd, also at 2:00 p.m., I’ll be at the B&N at the Concord Mall in Wilmington, Delaware.

There’ll be a Q&A session and cool door prizes available at each event, so stop in and say hi!

Here are the details:

Saturday, February 22, 2014: East Brunswick, NJ
Time: 2:00 p.m.
Q&A and booksigning DO OR DIE
Barnes Noble
Brunswick Square Mall
753 Rt 18 Brunswick Square Space 318
East Brunswick, NJ 08816
Store phone: 732-432-0100

Sunday, February 23, 2014: Wilmington, DE
2:00 p.m.
Q&A and booksigning DO OR DIE
Barnes Noble
Concord Mall
4801 Concord Pike
Wilmington, DE 19803
Store Phone: 302-478-9677

I hope to see you there!

By |2014-02-21T22:29:55+00:00February 21st, 2014|blog, Uncategorized|4 Comments

Feb. 18th booksigning in Sharon, MA is ON at 4:30 pm!

Hey, gang!

If you live south of Boston, drop in and say hi!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014: Sharon, MA
NOTE: Despite the snow, this event is ON!
Time: 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Booksigning and schmooze!
Annie’s Bookstop
362 South Main St.
Sharon, MA 02067
Store phone: 781-784-4306
Note:  Merry Cutler, who owns Annie’s, is doing a virtual signing of my backlist.  (Just be ready to order your book in advance so she has it on hand by the 18th!)  Readers who want a signed copy of HEADED FOR TROUBLE, last year’s paperback Troubleshooters Anthology, here’s your chance! Merry’s very organized, so you can order any or all of your books personalized or signature only, or even a mix. (Signed books make great gifts, and I’m always happy to write a Happy Birthday message!) And, Merry’s shipping and handling rates are really affordable for paperback books. She tells me that, via media mail, in addition to the cover price and tax on the book, she can send one paperback for $3.99 S&H, with 75 cents for each additional title shipped to the same address.

If you’re interested in getting a signed copy of HEADED FOR TROUBLE (or any other book besides DO OR DIE!), contact Merry Cutler by phone (781-784-4306) or fax (781-784-7075) or email, at[email protected] Merry says, “I’ll take checks, money orders, charges by phone or fax.”

By |2014-02-18T17:16:46+00:00February 18th, 2014|blog, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Feb. 18th booksigning in Sharon, MA is ON at 4:30 pm!

Feb. 16th workshop in Bedford MA is cancelled due to too much snow!

Alas, the Sunday February 16, 2014 1:00 p.m. meeting of the New England Chapter of RWA, at which I was to give a workshop on collaboration along with my husband Ed, has been cancelled.

As of right now, I still have three other Boston area events on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this week — check my appearances page for details!

Sorry and thank you!

By |2014-02-16T05:58:31+00:00February 16th, 2014|blog, Uncategorized|1 Comment

Feb 15th Booksigning in Framingham is on!

It’s started to snow, but today’s booksigning is a go!  (I live about 3 minutes from the signing store — please be cautious if you are driving from a great distance!)  Local-to-Boston residents, I’ll be doing at least three other events besides this one — AND I’ll be sure to leave plenty of signed copies in the store!

Here’re the details:

Saturday, February 15, 2014:  Framingham, MA
2:00 p.m.
Q&A and signing DO OR DIE
Barnes & Noble
1 Worcester Rd
Framingham, MA 01701
Store phone: 508-628-5567

Tomorrow’s event in Bedford might be cancelled.  If so, I’ll post that info here and on my appearances page!

Love, Suz

By |2014-02-15T18:20:04+00:00February 15th, 2014|blog, Uncategorized|1 Comment
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